Saturday, February 5, 2011

Erick Erickson [chat]

The topic of faith in Christ makes people cringe. But whether you believe it or not, here is the reality: beyond us is a world we cannot see with our eyes. It impacts us on a daily basis. It is a world of very real angels and very real demons. It is a world of a very real God and a very real Satan, a very real Heaven and a very real Hell.

Erick Erickson may be able to prove that God exists, but can he explain how magnets work?


Roscoe said...

I don't know if you picked this up directly from Media Matters, or somewhere else, or if You Are Dumb's bit was your first spot.. but..

Man, I want to play Spy Hunter again.

_J_ said...

I'm pretty sure I've just disproven the thesis that illness results from sin.

Unless, of course, you think that "sin" can be coughed out and is yellowish brown.

Andrew said...

Thats concentrated sin coming out of your mouth!

Roscoe said...

Sin is an overripe banana?

_J_ said...

I just learned that there is a study abroad program…to Kenya.

Because when I think cutting edge academics, “Kenya” is definitely the first country that comes to mind.

Caleb said...

It's a sociological observation site?

Roscoe said...

That or Hardcore Barrista work.