Saturday, May 7, 2011

Trump is a Humorless Piece of [chat]

"Well, I really understood what I was getting into, I didn't know that I'd be virtually the sole focus," he said. "But I was certainly in a certain way having a good time listening."

Nevertheless, the billionaire and potential candidate said he found the annual event to be “inappropriate in certain respects." And, despite Meyers drawing laughs and positive reviews with his remarks, Trump said he thought "his delivery frankly was not good," calling the "Saturday Night Live" star a "stutterer."


_J_ said...

So, It's the First of May.

_J_ said...

Also, I'm just as excited as everyone else to get the 2012 election season underway. But, Trump? Really?

Sure, it is entertaining. And I like the theory that Obama released his birth certificate in order to push Trump to the front of the Republican field.

The problem is that, while it is still early yet, Trump has name recognition. People actually talk as if he is a genuine candidate. He actually talks as if he is a genuine candidate.

This all seems a bit too surreal.

_J_ said...

Batman vs. Jesus

SM said...

Also in re: May 1, at least in the civilized parts of the world:

_J_ said...

You red commie bastard!

Mike Lewis said...

His hair is so short in that video!

Trump is the new rudy giuliani.

Mike said...

Hey all.

So Sarah is having some issues with the little one. We are currently at the hospital. We spent the day in high rick labor and delivery. We have now been moved to a different room for observation.

We are not out of the wood by any means. It's going to bs a long hard few weeks.

More when I know more. Updates also on fb and twitter.