Friday, October 21, 2011

World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria Trailer


AppleTreesRTall said...


please tell me this is a joke? PLEASE. PLEEAASSEE. -PANDARIA-? A place for....pandas... uh... yeah, horrible timing, with that Kung Fu Panda movie n all... *sigh*

What's all this about pet battles though? Is it like pokemon? XDD

Unknown said...

I can only hope. More importantly, are pandas available to both factions or did a single faction get the new race while the otherside is basically fucked?

_J_ said...

Both factions can be pandas.

I would like for you to contemplate that sentence; fixate upon that notion for at least three minutes without interruption.

Both races

in World of Warcraft

can be pandas.

I'd call it gay, but that doesn't even begin to address the situation.

_J_ said...

"What's all this about pet battles though? Is it like pokemon? XDD"

Basically, yes.

There are not many details available. But the idea is that everyone can has pets, and battle those pets,'s pokemon.