A Return to Long Form Bullshit
I am back - at least in a way.
After a month delay we launched Simple Machines Marketing last week. Now that I am no longer planning a year long national advertising campaign - just executing one - i have the brain power to devote to the sort of long form bullshit this website demands.
So by way of catching up:
- This Rick Santorum Guy seems like a total tool bag
- Have you seen that awesome Diablo 3 screen-grab and/or trailer! Bone Zone!
- This new Blogger UI is the worst. Someone needs to tell Google about Wordpress. I would of though at this point Blogger would at least be using something close to HTML 4. I might as well be using Word 98 to right HTML.
- The new Nada Surf album is pretty great.
- I do not understand what is happen on the Office. Triangle computers? Who?
I am going to write here at least once a week and comment more. Short form bull shit is still on Twitter. I got a beta invite to the new version of SquareSpace, so I started a baby-bullshit blog there. It is called Babies are Like Puppies. I don't know if it will stay there or move to Niffty Stuff when the beta is over.
All hail the return of Mikey!
Marketing marketing marketing marketing marketing, marketing marketing.
I gotta pay the bills and unless any of you people want to give me a book deal that is going to pay more than $100....
Marketing: Convincing people to buy things they haven't yet realized they can't live without.
On Babies:
Carla: I just want a baby so badly...
Turk: Why? What's it gonna be like having a baby?
Carla: Dr. Cox said it's like having a dog that slowly learns how to talk.
Turk: Awesome!
this is what i am saying! Babies == puppies
additionally the new The Magnetic Fields album is just as insufferable as their other albums.
Unfortunately, you can't legally drown a sack full of babies.
Well, I guess you can't legally drown a sack full of puppies, either.
But I think the punishments would be slightly different.
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