Thursday, August 12, 2010

Terror Babies are the New Anchor Babies

Anchor Babies are a totally bullshit thing that nativists made up. I think this crazy ass State Senior from Texas got her talking points mixed up because she went on Anderson Cooper's show to talk about Terror babies. To the video!

I am not 100% sure what a terror baby is. Not that Debbie Riddle does. I think a terror baby is a child born in american, so they are citizens, than are trained from a young age to be future terrorists.

Okay. Well. That is certainly something.

That something is Bullshit.

On the most basic level this is just another to collapse Arab and Terrorist into a single category. Those "people" are coming to our country are different than us because they won't eat our pork barbeque. Clearly Houston's love of pulled pork makes it a prime target.


Roscoe said...

I hate to give credibility to ANYONE..

.. But I too scrutinize folks who won't eat our pork bbq.

Generally because I assume they poisoned it, else, why wouldn't they be EATING it?

I like how the morphing name came about because the issue wasn't frightening enough.

Caleb said...

Clearly, we need to amend the code to require that children must be conceived and born in the United States.

Caleb said...

Or, ban the import of fetuses. Just hold them in customs.