Thursday, January 8, 2009

Pushing Daisies Memorial.

In hearing today that Pushing Daisies won't even be allowed to live out the rest of its lifespan. Rather than having the plug pulled to die a graceful death, it is instead being beheaded. I thought it a good idea to have a memorial. This memorial will be for all of Brian Fuller's works that never had a chance to thrive.

This is for all of the wonderful work he has done, but has not been allowed to blossom. This is for Dead Like Me. This is for Wonderfalls. This is for Pushing Daisies. May their DVD sets sell like wildfire, and grace many a collection. May Brian Fuller be given another chance and find a show that can appeal to a broader audience, while maintaining that special Fuller magic that I have come to love.

Also, may Kristen Chenoweth find more opportunities to introduce her cleavage and voice into my living room.


_J_ said...

Wonderfalls was terrible.

Mike Lewis said...

Some thoughts

1) wonderfalls was good but no masterpiece
2) I think fuller said that if PD was cancled he would go back to heros
3) we got the crossover episode, that has to count for something
4) when I get home I will post the video of miss chenowth singing bird house of my soul.

_J_ said...

Wonderfalls was terrible.

Unknown said...

Nothing Brian Fuller ever does would be enjoyable to someone such as yourself who has to examine every tiny bit, picking it apart until there is nothing left. To enjoy Fuller, you have to be willing to take up and maintain an illusion of reality. Once you have done this, his shows are beautiful and brilliant.

Mike Lewis said...

Bird House in your Soul

Unknown said...

More Kristen Chenoweth singing

_J_ said...

I don't get it.

_J_ said...

"Once you have done this, his shows are beautiful and brilliant."

He wrote a television show about me and I didn't get any royalties or story input.

_J_ said...

On Kristen Chenoweth:

I do not think Kristen Chenoweth is attractive. I think she is one of those girls who is an amalgamation of attractive parts which, when combined, become unattractive and displeasing. Every component of Kristen Chenoweth is attractive. Her height, her eyes, her tits, her legs, her voice, her personality? These each on their own have a fuckable quality.

But when those components are combined it becomes unseemly.

Roscoe said...

You're just made becuase he wrote a better life for you than you have.

_J_ said...

There's that, too.