Saturday, July 27, 2013

[chat]ahan Lake

Callahan:  Gender: Boy; Origin: Irish; Meaning: Strife

1. vigorous or bitter conflict, discord, or antagonism: to be at strife.
2. a quarrel, struggle, or clash: armed strife.
3. competition or rivalry: the strife of the marketplace.
4. Archaic. strenuous effort.

Because that's the sort of tone you want to set for an infant's life.


Caleb said...

Honesty is the best policy?

Caleb said...

So close:

Caladan was the third planet orbiting the star Delta Pavonis. It was a lush oceanic world, and the ancestral home of House Atreides for twenty-six generations, prior to their relocation to the planet Arrakis in 10191 AG

Unknown said...

I think you may appreciate this, J:

Daria's High School Reunion Trailer