Election 2012 [chat]
If you vote for Mitt Romney, then you're either rich, racist, or stupid.
"Only a Sith deals in absolutes" - Obi-Wan Kenobi
If you vote for Mitt Romney, then you're either rich, racist, or stupid.
Posted by
11:59 PM
Labels: [chat]
There are dozens (or hundreds) of articles have been written about the Fox reaction to the election. There are just as many articles written Nate Silver, his projects, and analysis. But there is really only one that you need to read: Why political journalists can’t stand Nate Silver: The limits of journalistic knowledge:
The other objection political journalists/pundits have to Silver’s process is evident here, too. They don’t just have a problem with how he knows what he knows, but with how he states it, too. Essentially, they are mistaking specificity for certainty. To them, the specificity of Silver’s projections smack of arrogance because, again, their ways of knowing are incapable of producing that kind of specificity. It has to be an overstatement.
Posted by
Mike Lewis
3:06 PM
Labels: epistemology, Obama, politics
Blizzard has confirmed that Diablo III will receive an expansion. During an earnings call for the third quarter of Activision Blizzard’s current fiscal year, Blizzard CEO Mike Morhaime said that an expansion is currently planned, but no timeline is in place just yet for when it might be released. Morhaime noted that the quality of the expansion and its gameplay is the top priority, and both will be a “big factor” in driving the actual schedule of the release.
Posted by
12:19 AM
Labels: diablo III
Someone managed to find and screenshot Romney's Transition Website, before it was taken down.
Nice to glimpse into that possible world that shall never be actualized.
Posted by
11:44 PM
Labels: romney
The internet is full of butthurt conservatives today. They're bitching on twitter, they're whining
on forums, and they're changing their Facebook profile pics to black squares,
to indicate a state of mourning.
A few liberals I talk to online are trying to take the high
road. Rather than drink the tears of our
enemies, they contend that we ought to offer sympathy. Conservative reactions are akin to how we felt
when Kerry lost to Bush. We were sad
when Kerry lost, and today's conservatives are no different.
Here's the thing, though.
John Kerry losing was a bad thing.
Mitt Romney losing is a good thing.
And we need to fucking say that.
I am sick and fucking tired of tolerating racists, of
tolerating homophobes, of tolerating ignorant stupid shits who can't tell their
ass from a hole in the ground, but feel as if they have something important to
contribute to our national conversation about how to run a country.
There are not two sides to these issues.
If you think that the amount of melanin in someone's skin
indicates their value as a person? Then
go fuck yourself.
If you think that homosexual love is somehow different from
heterosexual love? Then go fuck
If you think there is an invisible man in the sky, and your
invisible man's dick is bigger than another invisible man's dick? Then go fuck yourself.
If you think that fundamental human necessities for life
need to be earned, rather than readily available to every human being? Then go fuck yourself.
Stop pretending that these horsefucking dolts have
legitimate points, or important opinions.
Stop pretending that we need to respect hateful, ignorant, intolerant
shits. We don't need to respect them,
acknowledge them, care for them, or treat them as if they are in any way
helping the human species progress towards a better tomorrow.
They are retarding human progress.
They are delusional.
They are wrong.
Your conservative friends on Facebook who mourn Romney's
loss are making the world a worse place.
Tell them that.
And then defriend them.
Posted by
2:42 PM
Here's FOX News this morning:
Conservatism doesn't seem to be working.
Posted by
1:07 PM
Labels: conservatives, republicans
President Obama secured a second term tonight, much to the
chagrin of at least 53,558,586 people.
This is a message to those Romney supporters.
If you're on Facebook forecasting the end of the world
If you're talking about moving to another country
If you think we, as a country, are doomed
If you think Obama is a secret muslim
If you think that a black man has no place being president
If you think Obamacare is a deleterious government
If you think Obama has made this nation worse off
Then put a loaded gun in your mouth
Cock it
And pull the trigger.
You are an ignorant, racist, hateful, illiterate,
superstitious, uneducated fuckwad who is retarding the progress of the
You think the world is ending.
So get out early.
Because the world is a worse place for your being in it.
Fuck you.
Fuck Mitt Romney.
And fuck the horse you rode in on.
We elected a black man for a second term.
We elected the first openly lesbian senator.
We elected the first bisexual senator.
We voted in favor of marriage equality.
Tolerance is the wave of the future.
So get out now, biggots.
We're moving forwards, not backwards.
Posted by
2:24 AM
Labels: politics
Fuck you, Mitt Romney.
Fuck. You.
Also, FUCK YOU, Romney supporters.
Posted by
11:18 PM
Posted by
11:04 PM
Labels: Bill O'Reilly
Back in 2008 I posted fairly regularly about the
election. I wrote about primary
coverage, tracked poll development, and genuinely felt compelled to lend my
voice, such as it is, to the clamor of opinionated nonsense on the tubal
This election? Not so
much. You don't care why, but I'm going
to write about it anyway.
In 2008 President Obama handily defeated McCain. 53% of the popular vote. 365 Electoral Votes. And he fucking won
This indicates that we as a Nation, as a people, are fucked. Not so much because President Obama's novelty
has worn off, but rather because people are fucking voting for Citizen Romney. There are human beings, some 45%+ of the
voting public, who look at Citizen Romney and think, "Yeah. That guy.
That guy should be in charge."
"What," I ask, "THE FUCK!?"
Who the fuck, who fucking looks at that shit and thinks he's
presidential material, that he has leadership qualities, that he is in any way
qualified to make decisions that impact the lives of the general populace? What self-hating dolt considers a leader of
Bain Capital to be the sort of person to safeguard our general welfare?
Yeah. Mitt Romney. He'll take care of us.
George W. Bush was an idiot.
A C-average cokeheaded moron. But
at the end of the day I can understand his folksy appeal. To be honest, I wouldn't mind getting drunk
with George W. Bush. I don't want him to
have the nuclear fucking launch codes, but I'd do a line with him at a strip
Romney, though. He doesn't
even have personable. He doesn't have
charm. You wouldn't want to have a beer
with him. You wouldn't want to talk to
him. Moreover, he has no genuine
positive attributes that could foster a rational compulsion to support him.
There is no good reason to vote for Mitt Romney.
Here's the three reasons why people vote for Romney. You can ask anyone. Go find a Romney supporter. Ask them why they are voting for Romney. Their reason will fit into one of these three
1) They're rich.
2) They're racist.
3) They're stupid.
Posted by
2:57 AM
No tempting the wrath of the whatever from high atop the thing.
Posted by
1:11 AM
President Obama and Fuckmunch Romney tied in Dixville Notch Voting.
In Hart's Location: Obama 23; Romney 9
538 puts it at 92% chance of President Obama beating Magicunderwear Romney in the Electoral College.
Posted by
12:46 AM
Labels: politics
If you want an idea of how Tuesday night shall play out, gander at a few Electoral Maps.
Huffington Post
Fox News
The Fox News Electoral Map is buried 3 links from the homepage, and has most of the swing states in grey.
That seems like a good sign.
Posted by
12:15 PM
Labels: politics