Daria Complete Series on DVD [chat]
The Complete Series of Daria is available on DVD.
So, we each have something to buy.
"Only a Sith deals in absolutes" - Obi-Wan Kenobi
The Complete Series of Daria is available on DVD.
So, we each have something to buy.
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11:59 PM
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Full Transcript
KELLY: But that's not what Rand Paul said. Rand Paul agreed that if it's run by the government, yes intervention is fine. He took issue with the public accommodations, with private businesses being forced to pony up under the discrimination laws.
STOSSEL: And I would go further than he was willing to go, as he just issued the statement, and say it's time now to repeal that part of the law
KELLY: What?
STOSSEL: because private businesses ought to get to discriminate. And I won't won't ever go to a place that's racist and I will tell everybody else not to and I'll speak against them. But it should be their right to be racist.
Megyn Kelly is a fucking moron. This is unfortunate, given that were an intelligent person participating in this segment with Stossel, something interesting could have happened.
Let's grant Stossel's premise: It ought to be your right, as a private business owner, to be racist and so enact racist business practices. Or, to take it further, "In a free country, we consenting adults should be able to do whatever we want with our bodies as long as we don’t hurt anyone else."
You ought to be free to do drugs, to rent your body for sex, to sell your organs, to be a racist. In a free country, in a free society, one ought to have the freedom to do whatever one wants, so long as no one hurts anyone else.
Which is fine, until we think about what "hurt" means...and the fact that we are social, societal creatures reliant upon others for our survival. Given that we all exist within a communal causal nexus what you do impacts me, what I do impacts you.
So, I'll agree with John Stossel that in a free society anyone ought to be able to do anything they want so long as they do not hurt anyone else. The problem being, of course, that as social beings living in a communal causal nexus?
Anything anyone ever does hurts someone else.
Stossel's argument participates in the problem shared by all arguments for freedom and liberty: Freedom and Liberty make sense, until you realize there is causality. Once there is causality no longer is there freedom, and liberty is an impossibility.
So, since we are societal, communally-reliant beings existing within a mutually-shared causal nexus? Whence the problem with passing laws which make it illegal for persons to be fucking assholes? The problem cannot be that such laws limit or stifle freedom, because we never fucking had freedom.
Because causality.
Or, you know, there is no causality...so we have freedom...but we do not have will or volition and rather are naught be random, haphazard randomness randomly randoming unconnectedly from one isolated time point to the next isolated, uncaused time point. And since we don't have will we can't have liberty, either.
Basically, John Stuart Mill was an idiot and a drunk. And John Stossel doesn't understand the meanings of the words he uses.
Thank Christ for Leibniz's solution to the problem.
Posted by
2:44 AM
Labels: conservatives, rand paul, rant
Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
Posted by
Mike Lewis
1:22 AM
Labels: rachel maddow, rand paul
Before we get to this letter, please watch the following video.
Rand. Buddy, how are you doing? I bet the last few days for you have been a blast. You just won the notation to be the Republican candidate in the Kentucky! High Five!
But Rand, sometime you just need to shut the fuck up. Like, big time.
INTERVIEWER: Would you have voted for the Civil Rights Act of 1964?
PAUL: I like the Civil Rights Act in the sense that it ended discrimination in all public domains, and I’m all in favor of that.
PAUL: You had to ask me the “but.” I don’t like the idea of telling private business owners—I abhor racism. I think it’s a bad business decision to exclude anybody from your restaurant—but, at the same time, I do believe in private ownership. But I absolutely think there should be no discrimination in anything that gets any public funding, and that’s most of what I think the Civil Rights Act was about in my mind.
Posted by
Mike Lewis
12:39 AM
Labels: conservatives, racism, rand paul, rant
File this under BWAAAAA?!?!?!?!
EXCLUSIVE: I've just learned that Paramount won't be picking up Megan Fox's option on Transformers 3 -- and that it was "ultimately" director Michael Bay's decision. (So he gets his revenge for her remark comparing him to "Hitler".) Right now Bay and writer Ehren Kruger et al are finishing up the script for the threequel and "giving Shia a new love interest makes more sense for the story," an insider tells me. Bay will start casting immediately for the new female co-star.
Posted by
6:01 PM
Labels: transformers
So, there are some people here with whom I hang out on occasion who don't know shit about shit. Usually this is not a problem, as the conversations in which we engage pertain to topics about which I do not care; I have no stake in their interests. However, on occasion our conversations tread into "_J_ territory" the problem with which is that, again, fuckers don't know shit about shit.
So, this evening we were playing a game called Contact. In this game Player-A thinks of a word, provides the first letter of the word, and others try to guess the word by asking questions. For example, Player-A says "The word starts with 'P'." Another person can say "Is it a kind of farm animal?" If a third person thinks they know the word they say "Contact", count back from 10, and then say the word they think the other is thinking, for example, "pig". If Player-A does not say a word which could answer the question asked before the two other individuals say the word, then Player-A provides another letter to the word which Player-A is thinking.
It's not important that you understand all the nuances of the game, but it helps to have a general idea of the game to understand my story.
So, we're playing this game. We have reached the point at which we know that the letters of the word to guess are F-E-D-O. So, I say "Is it something Indiana Jones wears?" Someone says "Contact" and we count down, then both say "Fedora", to which multiple people say, and I quote: "Indiana Jones does not wear a Fedora!"
Because, again, fuckers don't know shit about shit.
At the time I did not have access to the internet, so it was their ignorance against my basic knowledge of Indiana Jones which any sentient individual ought have. I was unable to persuade any of them that Indiana Jones wears a Fedora because, well, there is something fundamentally wrong with these people. But now that I am home, with access to the internet, I shall amass some proof to prove the self-evident truth that Indiana Jones wears a fucking Fedora.
TheRaider.net articulates the history behind Indiana Jones' Fedora.
Indiana Jones wikipedia page discussing Indiana Jones' Fedora.
IndianaJonesHats.net whereat one can buy Indiana Jones' Fedora.
ThinkGeek.com: Indiana Jones Officially Liscensed Fedora.
Indiana Jones wears a Fedora, god damn it.
I realize that in the scheme of things this is not that big of a deal, that perhaps it is not imperative that persons in their late-20s know that Indiana Jones wears a Fedora. But the thing that fucking gets me is that they had the gall to sit there and tell me I was incorrect. I mean, for fuck's sake; they're a bunch of god damned socialist hipsters and I'm a nerd. It is a question of knowing one's place. My expectation is that persons will play to their strengths, recognize their own limitations, and so act in accord with their character.
So you would think that for the sake of maintaining group cohesion they would not try to correct me about Indiana Jones, just as I do not try to correct them about Vampire Weekend.
But, no, that's asking too much.
Posted by
11:30 PM
Labels: indiana jones, rant
Fuck you, Mark Souder.
Fuck you.
Posted by
6:28 PM
So, from the above ad, we have learned that Dale Peterson will "name names and take no prisoners" as he, presumably, shoots illegals and saves family farms. This is interesting, given the Alabama Department of Agriculture & Industry Vision Statement:
To provide timely, fair and expert regulatory control over product, business entities, movement, and application of goods and services for which applicable state and federal law exists and strive to protect and provide service to Alabama consumers. Department personnel will actively work to initiate and support economic development activities and promote domestic and international consumption of Alabama products. It is the Department's goal to be recognized for its employee's integrity and professional performance.
Every state has its special challenges, and one of Alabama's is agriculture. Agriculture in Alabama is broken. Every day we lose three family farms. Every year, we lose over 1,000 family farms. Why? Because our farmers can't make a living farming. What choice do they have? Sadly, they have no choice but to leave farming and find some other means to support their families.
That is unacceptable.
Having never held political office or been appointed to any state farm related committees or boards makes me uniquely different from the other candidates seeking Alabama's Commissioner of Agriculture and Industries job in 2010.
Posted by
4:53 PM
Labels: politics, rant, republicans
At work, and unable to watch the video, or get a clear look at this yet.. but.. wanted to put it up somewhere so I'd catch it later at home. I'll come back to this and clean the post up quite a bit post-haste, but until then -
Posted by
4:27 PM
Labels: politics, republicans
In June something time, or something.
Posted by
Mike Lewis
11:05 AM
Labels: warsaw