Tuesday, January 5, 2010

"You just got your whorish face" or Humorless People Cannot Write Parody Songs

In a follow up to a post from last month, the asshole's of Westboro Baptist Church have struck again. Douche Master General Fred Phelps' granddaughter Megan Phelps-Roper has written her own remix of Our Lady of GaGa's ode to face-fucking.

Imagine: What if a tone-deaf and humorless radical Christian decided to rewrite the lyrics to Poker Face. This is what you would get.

You pissed off God, you'll see what he's got.
You ain't God.
You got a whorish face, it's a whorish face.
God hates you.

That is what you would get. This bit of terrible crap clearly knocks out Baby Got Book as the worst parody song written by humorless radical Christians


Jules said...

So many problems with this.

1. She had to have listened to the song (or ordered sheet music) several times to get lyrics so close to the original, in terms of meter and rhyme scheme.

2. I feel awkward seeing the phrase "you pissed off God." It seems wrong.

3. Why doesn't Uncle Fred just leave alone the people who make him angry? What purpose does a parody like this serve?

4. And then I'm mad at myself for getting worked up about it, because Westboro is soooooo not worth my time or righteous indignation. :-)

Mike Lewis said...

I would not say that I get worked up over each new bit of Westboro nonsense. That happened when someone i went to college with said "well, god really does hate fags" in a religion class.

i just pass up an opportunity post links to 1) my lol Phelps and 2) posting links to Baby Got Book.