Saturday, November 24, 2007

Happy [chat]sgiving.

Remember to take a moment to think about all you are thankful for. I am thankful for pies and term limits.


_J_ said...

Rock Band's release date is tomorrow.

MA17 said...

Are you going to be the guy who buys Rock Band?

Come on. Be the guy who buys Rock Band.

_J_ said...

Here is what Rock Band requires of me:

$400.00 - Xbox 360
$160.00 - Rock Band Bundle
$27.00 - Downloadeable Content

That's $587.00 BEFORE I throw in the price of an extra guitar and the inevitable purchase of more downloadeable content. And considering I'm the only person in Warsaw I'm paying around $600.00 for the opportunity to sit in my parent's basement and play Rock Band by myself.

If someone wants to offer me free room and board? I'll totally buy Guitar Hero, a 360, and etc. and come live with them. But until I can find 3 friends within reasonable driving distance I'm going to have to pass on Rock Band.

Which is a sad, sad thing.

Kylebrown said...

I will buy Rock Band...

I just need to find a non shitty way to store it

_J_ said...

Store it?

That implies that there will be times during which it is not played.

I think you ought to put it on top of your entertainment center. The drums would look fantastic sitting there.

Kylebrown said...

I would rather find a way to store i such that it isn't lying out in the open somewhere. That is my one problem with games that include large peripherals... They take up a lot of space and look cheap when not in use.

_J_ said...

Gaming Closet?

Wait..."look cheap when not in use."


Kylebrown said...

Ok cheap isn't exactly the word I wanted to use. I mean that it clutters my room. I like to have an organized area, and large peripherals that can't easily be stored create clutter, that I hate, with a passion.

Andrew said...

you all realize that you can't get away from aesthetics right? Its like trying to not be materialistic.

Kylebrown said...

It depends, does organization count as an aesthetic, because really it is all I care about when it comes to how something looks. To me there is a lot of utility in having an organized room.

_J_ said...

Organization is an aesthetic.

We hail from Hanover where "materialism" means "you have any level of concern for physical things" and "natural" doesn't mean anything.

I dislike clutter as well. That's why my hypothetical apartment of the future has guitar stands for my Guitar Hero controllers.

_J_ said...

Not only does The Great Wall have Sizzling Rice Soup (a soup than which a greater cannot be thought) but they also have those kickass gumballs that Blue Lion had.

These gumballs are not only SOLID but they are also quarter sized and one may get two gumballs for $.25.

Great Wall is freaking best ever.

Roscoe said...

Man... what are you talking about.

You love Warsaw, Jay.

You just hate Warsaw People.

_J_ said...

I think that if one removed people from everywhere the only things one could assess are the geological features of the area.

So, yes, having been born in the Midwest I am not opposed to its climate and geological features.


_J_ said...

Heroes can go eat itself. I spent today's after work hours moving furniture and while I ate I turned on Heroes as something of a break. "OK, self," I thought to myself, "Maybe I will give this show another chance."

And it was ok. And it was pleasant. And some interesting plot elements developed and Veronica Mars girl was flirty and slutty. Keen.

And then the last 3 fucking minutes pissed me the hell off and I cursed Tim Kring's name.

Because he just sucks you in and then stomps on you.

Like a woman.

Or some sort of Zelda/Okami boss.

Roscoe said...

My point is you LOVE cultural bits of Warsaw and it's environs. The epic Gumballs. The Wall. Etc.

My point is you are a fixator, sir, and you have fixated upon those things that irk you.

In another life? The other road travelled? You're that mindbogglingly frustrating Always Happy Dude.


TERRIBLE. Ivan levels of Terrible.

_J_ said...

"My point is you LOVE cultural bits of Warsaw and it's environs. The epic Gumballs. The Wall. Etc."

You're like the parents who hears their child remark that they enjoy movies and so assume that their primary obsession in life is to become a cinematographer.

_J_ said...

Popcorn is now available from the vending machine at work.

I think there is a chemical in popcorn that caused mass hunger and desire in persons stuck in an office full of popcorn smell.

For some reason, though, it does not make me desire popcorn. Rather, I desire a box full of Slim Jims.

mmm...sweet delicious slim jims full of grease and salt and mechanically seperated chicken.

mmm...sweet life-giving "paste-like and batter-like meat product produced by forcing beef, pork or chicken bones, with attached edible meat, under high pressure through a sieve or similar device to separate the bone from the edible meat tissue."

It's so good.

_J_ said...

I feel like watching West Wing Thanksgiving episodes.

_J_ said...

You're an ABS Poly Head Scoop.
I think I would die without you

You bring me such eternal joy
Genderless, you are not a boy

I love your ABS poly head
That's not a euphamism for "head"

Oh, 49010
You bring eternal joy to my life
Genderless, will you be my wife?


Ba dooooo do we bam bam bam.
Doddely do do squeeeeeeeeedilly be
chica wow wow grink grink
diggi diggi digga ....

You have a thick walled fiberglass handle
Certainly you are not a mammal
OH 49010
You have a sleek D-grip end
Will you be my eternal friend?

MA17 said...

I'll be in Warsaw Wed-Sun(?), we should do something (other than write songs about shovels).

Also, I played the Rock Band's drum demo at the Best Buy, and it made me wonder if the Harmonix took all the good ideas with them when they left the Red Octane.

Good idea #1) Scaling back on the crazy venues to focus on the characters who subsequently look, animate, and interact significantly better than in GH3.

Good idea #2) The crowd sings along. This is a minor touch that, I think, quite effectively serves to rebuild the illusion that GH used to have.

Good idea #3) The onscreen fretboard where the notes appear is clean, and it lights up. I'm not sure why it lights up, but it does (maybe when star power is ready?) and I'm apparently easily amused enough to think that is neat.

Good idea #4) As you play the song, your score is shown not only numerically, but in the number of stars it will earn upon completion. Another minor thing, but I like it. No more wondering how I did, or finishing a song just in case it's the next star higher only to find out that it's not.

In short, I think Harmonix has managed to improve the old formula in ways beyond simply adding a drum and a mic and a couple new features, and may have actually made the core game exciting again (until it too becomes tired).

_J_ said...

I will be in Warsaw until I am struck by inspiration and go somewhere else to seek my fortune. We ought to do something.

Tonight I shall probably be moving Furniture. I assume that Wednesday after work, too, will involve furniture moving.

Man, I don't want Rock band to be awesome. I want Rock Band to be stupid and crappy so I don't feel compelled to buy it.

Roscoe said...

Kyle's mouse sucks. Becauseit is not my comfortable mouse w/ thumb-forwards and back buttons.

This is all.

_J_ said...

Kyle's Mouse does kind of suck.

All of the furniture is back where it once was. Now little things must be put away.

_J_ said...

If people want to try to accomplish some "hanging out" over the 4 day weekend that would be cool.

MA17 said...

I just bought my first RiffTrax. Now we can watch the Matrix with Mike and Servo!

MA17 said...

"Botanists consider soil to be a matrix, is this a soil-based movie?"

_J_ said...


Kylebrown said...

Is the lightning from hitting a series of start notes as overwhelming in rock band as it is in gh3?

I think this is my one major problem with the game. The sound and visual effects are too much in the forefront. I find this to be very annoying in a game where the sound is so important. I find this especially frustrating during slow expressive guitar solos i.e. One, Black Magic Woman.

Kylebrown said...

Maybe all of those old bad B-movies weren't so far off

_J_ said...

If you go into the sound setup you can change the sound levels. So guitar and band can be at 11 and effects can be at 0.


Roscoe said...

I wonder if the Riff Trax hold up to the Joel and Trace tracks that are coming..


Kylebrown said...

That still won't fix the lag from the visual affects of star power, lightning, etc.

MA17 said...

Mike may not have been as good of a host as Joel, but he's still a hell of a writer. Plus, he's married to Bridget Jones, so even if she's not credited, there's another former Best Brains writer in the house.

Regardless, Joel/Trace is tres awesome.

And I didn't really notice the effects in Rock Band other than the note-fret-board lighting up. I don't think there're any lightning bolts or thunder claps.

_J_ said...

The only time I saw lag was when we activated star power and there were many notes. The puny 360 groaned under the duress of such potent rockin'.

Joel is married to Bridget Jones?

_J_ said...

RiffTrax are wonderful things.

Roscoe said...

indeed, no knock on the Nelson intended.. I just have fond memories of the Red Jumpsuit

MA17 said...

The flash animations on What the fuck is this nonsense? The A listers are apparently competing to make the best post-MST product, and a bunch of c and no listers are left behind to rape the corpse of the original?

MA17 said...

I don't know how that link got broken like that, but I like it.


_J_ said...

During breaks no one is online.

I think this is odd.

Roscoe said...

Agreed. The Flash animations are foul.