Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The Nuance of Equality.

Equality in a social sense is a nuanced term with contextual, situational implications which transcend the mundane and completely idiotic simplification of, "We want to be treated equally."

Today there is an article about Mexico's new "Women Only" busses. On the day after Martin Luther King Jr. day? The timing is too perfect to ignore.

You see, women are sometimes harassed or groped or verbally abused on multi-sexual Mexican busses. Since not harassing or groping or verbally abusing women is obviously an unattainable goal, new Women Only busses were created to, hopefully, provide a means by which women can use public transport and not be treated poorly by Mexican assholes. A sensible solution? Sure. Except when applied to the idea of equality. "Women only" busses are not equal. Women only busses are a form of segregation. And if you recall what we were supposed to recall yesterday, segregation is bad. Which is why, according to Beatriz Perez, the new Women Only busses are, "wonderful".

So how, you know, THE FUCK, are we supposed to make sense of this?

This situation can only be understood once one casts aside the ignorantly simplified and incorrect notion that people desire "equality". No one wants equality; we are not all equal. We differ in gender and sex and abilities and physique and personality and race and culture and preferences and goals and hopes and dreams and a multitude of other facets of our being.

What we want is respect and a recognition of our own unique abilities divorced from stereotypes and idiotic notions of "who we are" based upon classification; we want a recognition that we are all human-fucking-beings deserving of respect by virtue of our humanity. And that? That's not "equality".

That is why Women Only busses are sensible and "we want to be treated equally" is a ditch-fuckingly stupid, misleading, and incorrect phrase used by dolts more concerned with presenting an appearance than articulating a sensible point of view.

Unless, of course, I am incorrect and we really do want to be treated equally. In which case Women Only busses are a pox on the women of Mexico despite how wonderful 73-year-old Beatriz Perez may think they are.

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