Thursday, April 3, 2008

Mike Gravel Postmodern Man, Insane



Unknown said...

I actually thought that was a kick ass video. I have no idea who Mike Gravel is (I assume due to my complete indifference to politics), but it was an interesting interpretation of Helter Skelter.

Mike Lewis said...

Gravel was a senitor from alaska from 1969 to 1981.

since the middle of the 1980s he has proted the idea of direct democracy, and a consitutional amendment to add a referendom system to the federal government.

He was drafted by supporters to run as an issue canidate this yaer...and in the process became an outsoken anti-war voice at the debates.

He also makes strange videos and posts them on youtube.

_J_ said...

Additionally, Mike Gravel is fucking crazy and as far as I know turned into a lonely drifter after his ambition of being an Alaskan prospector was quashed by his incompetence.

Mike Lewis said...

case in point

_J_ said...

So...wait...Mike Gravel is William Shattner?

Roscoe said...

Seems to be. Get Ben Folds and Timbaland up in here.

Mike Lewis said...

are you dissing on Timbaland?

he will stomp you with well kept boots