Saturday, November 22, 2008

[chat] of the Lich King


Mike Lewis said...

i also couldn't give a damn

_J_ said...

It's a pretty fucking awesome expansion. Vehicle combat is neat. Death Knights are overpowered. Dalaran is awesome. The story is omg teh story.

I don't like story in games; I think story gets in the way of gameplay. But oh my FUCK is WOTLK awesome wih regards to the story it tells.

_J_ said...

I'm level 74 as of about 5 a.m. this morning. I ought to be able to make it past 75 by this evening.

But first I have to do my teh feminism reading and a bit of my Buddhism reading.

_J_ said...

Had to log because the ground stopped appearing.

I am now 500th in line for the Realm Que.

_J_ said...

You know what makes WoW fun?

Trade chat.

Trade chat at 3 a.m.

Trade chat in which I quote wittgenstein at people.


_J_ said...

Oh my god that was awesome.

They started off arguing about nazis and socialism. Then they started talking about gun rights. I brought up the second ammendement, and 4 people and I started arguing about commas.

then we argued about the social implication of guns.

And it ended with a 33 minute argument between 3 people and myself about the nature of reality, with people sending me tells agreeing with me and them making appeals to accepted social norms while I undermined their foundations.

Why can't my Philosophy Classes be more like Trade Chat?

Mike Lewis said...

dont you have papers you should be writing or things you should be reading?

get the hell off wow

Mike Lewis said...

Noted Post-Marxist Sociologist, Philospher and Culture Critic Slovj Zizek Welcomes you to the Gym

Mike Lewis said...

question of the day: How does one live their life in a Post-TRL world?

Unknown said...

One music video at a time man... One music video at a time...

_J_ said...

"dont you have papers you should be writing or things you should be reading?"

Should is a funny word.

Mike Lewis said...

Should is a funny word.
that wasnt funny 4 years ago. and you didnt answer the question

_J_ said...

It's not funny. It's true.

And I have two final papers. they are for teh thanksgiving.

Caleb said...

This morning some girl came in, she wanted me to get her paper back for her, the one that she had saved over with a blank document of the same name...

Andrew said...

poor bitch

_J_ said...

Ros sent me a link to this.

It probably merits consideration.

And I agree with Andrew. Poor bitch.

Roscoe said...

Poor Bitch is a UPS man. With a tendency towards falling for lesbians.

Please. a little consistency, it's all I ask.

Roscoe said...

I'm pretty sure if anyone ever mastered Boethius' game, they'd be The ONE.

Andrew said...

I saw an in for making a wonderfalls reference. i had to do it. And you cannot tell me that I can't do that because she is not a UPS man with a tendency towards falling for lesbians. I prefer to be a little more subtle in my references than that, thank you very much.

_J_ said...

I hate wonderfalls.

I find television shows containing characters who I want to be and engaged in mental gymnastics to attempt to convince myself that I am, in fact, that character.

Then WONDERFALLS presents me with a character named Jay who is a philosophy major leading an unfulfilling life who goes crazy when inanimate objects start talking to her.

Which just pisses me off.

Andrew said...

Yes, you would hate a show about you.

Roscoe said...

Your subtlety is like Mikey's Elvis impersonation.

Falls on deaf ears in chat.

_J_ said...

It's 5:30 in the morning and I can't sleep.

I wrote this, though:

Early in this class it was stated that in reading Spinoza’s Ethics one need read The Ethics as it is rather than as it can be construed to be. It was said that one must not read one’s own interpretation or understanding into The Ethics as this would produce a skewed, biased, and inaccurate reading. This is an important criterion to set for defining the scope of our philosophical inquiry into Spinoza’s Ethics. As any student educated at a Liberal Arts College knows, one may argue any statement to mean anything. An adept student of Liberal Arts may argue the statement “There are no X” to be, in actuality, “There are X” given a particular construal of what these terms are understood to mean in a given context. Yet as was stated early on in this class, our enterprise is not to see what we can get Spinoza’s Ethics to say but rather our enterprise is to discern what Spinoza’s Ethics says independent of a personal construal or bias.
This is the mindset I adopt as I attempt to account for Spinoza’s discussion of parallelism. My goal is neither to destroy nor save The Ethics. My goal is to report what The Ethics says. If The Ethics is internally consistent this is fine. If The Ethics is internally inconsistent this is fine. What I will not do is posit onto The Ethics some deep yearning for internal consistency any more than I would posit onto The Ethics some deep yearning for confused self-contradiction. I do not know what Spinoza’s intentions were in writing The Ethics. All I know about The Ethics is what is said in The Ethics! That being said, let’s look at what Spinoza’s Ethics says about parallelism.

That's right. You just read an introduction to a paper on Spinoza's parallelism.

Don't you feel cheated? I bet you thought there would be a joke in there. "Oh, _J_ is funny. I bet this will be something funny."

Shows what you know.


Roscoe said...

Man.. Philosophers think New Criticism is fancy and tricksy.


Andrew said...

Caleb got my reference. you just don't know from fun.

Unknown said...

finally watched that WOTLK trailer.. I know i'm a lazy bastard. It makes me want to reinstall Warcraft III. Also, Blizzard should make a feature length film.

Caleb said...

Yeah. I did feel a little let down. Where's my snarky pizazz?

Mike Lewis said...

Obama's FCC transition chief is FOR THE HORDE!

Mike Lewis said...

also: Michael Jackson is a Secret Muslim

Roscoe said...

Show YOU fun, I will.

(grimaces and shakes fist Andrew-wards)

Andrew said...

eat my fun!

_J_ said...

That's awesome about Obama's FCC guy.