Sunday, November 2, 2008

Dawkins Hate Harry Potter

The prominent atheist is stepping down from his post at Oxford University to write a book aimed at youngsters in which he will warn them against believing in "anti-scientific" fairytales.

For Fuck's Sake...

I think that someone needs to explain to Richard Dawkins than an external reality existing estranged from the self is a fairy tale, that its existence is not scientifically verifiable. Science only occurs within an accepted context, an assumed context. One assumes the existence of an external reality estranged from the self and then engages in manifestations of that external reality scientifically. But the foundation upon which that scientific research occurs is an assumption, an illusion, an unverifiable guess.

The most detrimental component of Dawkin's development was probably Star Trek, I'm guessing. Via the character Spock, Star Trek propogated the illusion that it is possible to be entirely logical and scientific, that there could be entirely logical beings.

The problem is that logic does not occur until one makes the non-logical, non-scientific leap into an assumed reality. Logic and Science only occur within contexts of reality. Those contexts are not entered into logically or scienficially. There is something else compelling the leap.

And if Dawkins is going to start scientifically assessing Harry Potter and My Little Pony and Sleeping Beauty I think someone needs to start scientifically assessing Dawkins' primary assumptions of reality.

Except we can't. Because primary assumptions of reality are not scientific.

So, instead, we probably just need to inscribe A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge onto a two-by-four and beat the living fuck out of Dawkins until he shuts the hell up.

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