Saturday, August 18, 2007

It ain't easy being [chat]


Andrew said...

J, go check out your rant on "enough faith." you have a post you should respond to.

Roscoe said...

gods balls. Rove Resigned?

clearly I must reads threads!

_J_ said...

I shall go check it and I shall reply to it.

And, yeah, Rove Resigned...which...means something...

_J_ said...

There needs to be an easy way to see new comments to those older posts.


_J_ said...

Also, roscocoa? Are you taking MTG trade stuff to GenCon?

Roscoe said...

Is that the Maudlin?

and.. I'm.. uncertain.. I'm bringing it to Indy.. .and.. might bring it to the con a day or two.. but.. not nec. planning to right now..

Consider this the plan. I will have everything. In teh Carz. for moving to Hanover. if it's worth it.. I can take it outtta teh car.

_J_ said...

That is a good plan.

I'm trying to figure out what to haul with me. Because, in theory, I could load up all of my trade stuff for star wars game, all of my trade stuff for Magic, etc. Hauling that around the con wouldn't be delightful, but it's freaking Gen Con, so I assume trades will be available.

_J_ said...

It is teh Maudlin, I assume.

Roscoe said...

Four Days, Comrade.

scout the lay of the land

_J_ said...

You're supposed to be scouting. You're the one who isn't working.

Mike Lewis said...

i love blogger because it is fucking easy, but it lacks lacks some tools that could make comment management easier. If we had a server or some way to host and some time we could move to wordpress. But that would cost money. and google gives us this for free.

Roscoe said...

I is packing, and besides, I'm talking about showing up, looking at the lay of the land, and deciding what to bring there.

Not Initial Planning Stages of the War, but Actual Men On The Ground.

_J_ said...

So you're suggesting the Bush/Rove strategy of get there, look around, and then decide whether or not we ought to have gone and what we ought to do now that we're there?

Well, it's worked once...

Roscoe said...

I'm saying if you're interested, throw it in the car.. but don't drag it there first day.

You should have plenty of car room, what with not moving out.

is all.

_J_ said...


That'll work.

Mike Lewis said...

where did the guy go?

_J_ said...

Man, we have the greatest blog ever.

Mike Lewis said...

omg cute

Mike Lewis said...

@jay: we sure do

_J_ said...

Is moer lolier

_J_ said...

I'm so lazy. I can't even bring myself to get ready for Gen Con. I can't even put effort towards fun things.

I could like, find things to put my crap in...and look up information on the gen con site...but...bleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeck. I just sit here and type shit on forums and this awesome blog.


I hate everything. Also, Phish Food ice cream now has moo-cow shaped fudge chunks in addition to the fish shaped ones.


Roscoe said...

This is a sign.. The Dream is for you now.

Embrace the Dream. Live the Dream.


_J_ said...

It's all for me


MA17 said...

Franklin is best.

Also, Kotaku had a trailer for the Bibleman game (or maybe Bible Man or Bible-Man, I don't know). It's great because it's the real thing and the parody all in one.

The only thing I can think of to add is something about how the game logic is actually game faith which means that there's no code, just a bunch of text in comment tags which the computer can interpret however it pleases to achieve its own ends.

_J_ said...

Jay is can't read Kotaku. Firewall hates good.

MA17 said...

The Wacky Protestor is trapping people in a land without god or faith and Bibleman (and friends!...and you) have to ACT FAST, and probably do something which will BE OUR ONLY CHANCE, which will no doubt rely on using Bibleman's peace-loving (non)lighsaber in conjunction with scriptural readings.

Oh, and if you're caught in the Wacky Protestor's, trap, you're stuck there...FOREVAH!

_J_ said...


_J_ said...

I'm starting to feel sick.

This does not bode well.

_J_ said...


So's I can downloads it tomorrow from work.

Caleb said...

Is it possible that something be greater than the sum of all its parts?

Voltron perhaps?

_J_ said...

Voltron IS the sum of his parts.

Roscoe said...

Caleb, there is a special place in Castle DOOM for you. Hagar the witch uses it for her nightly... pleasures.

Jay simply gets turned into a Robeast, made to GROWWWWWW!, then beat the hell down by Voltron, Defender of the Universe.

Who is not to be confused with FLASH! AHHHHAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaH! Saviour of the UNIVERSE!, as explained to us by Freddy Mercury.

_J_ said...

You're not allowed to ride in my car anymore. You might get crazy on the seats.

Roscoe said...

Man. it's Freddy Mercury's Love Song to the Ideal Man.

_J_ said...

I don't recognize the authority of Freddy Mercury. In fact, I don't even recognize that there is an authority which I'm not recognizing.

That's how much I'm not recognizing that thing which I don't even not recognize because of how much I'm not recognizing it.

Roscoe said...

GODDAMN you, Activision!

the 360 has a new GH2 song pack.. of new songs.

not GH1 ports.

granted it's My Chemical Crapromancy.. but... still. new music.

Roscoe said...

Jay, you have drawn a line upon the sand.

From this, there can be no walking back.

Henceforth you are my enemy as surely as Ben Bussel was Ben Handle's foe.

_J_ said...

New Songs?!

MA17 said...

Activision loves you for your money and nothing more.

Not like Nintendo and Retro Studios, they love me for my inability to not play a new Metroid game. Oh man, new Metroid game!! And the trailers? This series is coming some kind of full circle, man! There's this one part where they show schematics for this thing, and it's just a re-draw of a level from the NES Metroid! They know how to excite.

MA17 said...

And I'm starting to worry that I've gotten to the point in Castlevania as a series where I'm dangerously close to slipping into boredom with it, based on the theory that new experiences have a magical beginning, an interesting middle, and a boring end (like Guitar Hero, for example). I've been having interesting experiences with Castlevania for a few years now, and it's only a matter of time before I just don't care anymore, and that's sad to me. Of course, Symphony of the night came out 10 years ago, and it fundamentally changed the game that, roughly ten years prior, so we're due for another enormous change. Please?

Roscoe said...

Adam, man.. I was in at the new "Geek Outlet" store in Warsaw.. small little basically used game stand run by a couple kids.. and.. man.. not a huge stock.. and some questionably high prices on some things (Eternal Darkness for over 20? seriously?) But they have Pilotwings for SNES, and Alundra.... some decent gems, if they can get operating.

If you're losing faith in a classic series, it's time to dip into the vaults.

_J_ said...

You went to the Geek Outlet store?

These "kids". Could we take them?

Roscoe said...

We totally could. Until they broke out the real guitars.. then... well...they got numbers on us. We only got Adam and some sweet bongo skills. They've got TWO axe men, minimum.

_J_ said...

Gen Con is neat.

I'm sleepy.

_J_ said...

I'm home now.

If anyone would like to kill me in my sleep you are welcome to it. I have a lot of money in the bank. You could have that if you like.

Roscoe said...

sure. You make the offer AFTER you leave. And Bowser would have made such a great alibi, too!

_J_ said...

He is quite good at ripping at things.