Thursday, September 20, 2007

Jena 6: Not a Disney Series.

The more I read about this Jena 6 thing the more confused I become. What happened, for those who do not know, is that a white student was assaulted by a group of black students. The black students (The Jena 6) were arrested for assault because they assaulted someone. This pissed off the black community because black students were punished for breaking the law.

Apparently racial tensions have been mounting* recently and the build-up to this situation is supposed to explain what happened. You know the story. Black student sits under the white student's tree. White students hang nooses from the tree. Black students stage a protest which is broken up. Black student's aren't allowed to attend the white student's party. Someone sets the school on fire and the blacks and whites blame one another. It's your basic racist idiocy run amuck.

The problem, though, is really the racism in the community. These events did little more than enflame that racism. So the black community is upset by the nooses, but as hanging nooses from a tree is not against the law the white students receive only minor school punishment. Then when black students actually break the law the black community gets hella pissed off, because the white students (who did not break the law) were not arrested.

I think that this indicates the need in this country for a High Council of Race Relations. If a group thinks that they have a legitimate point to protest they must present their case to the High Council. The High Council will then review the case and if it is a sensible point to protest then the protest will be allowed. If the protest is idiotic (such as protesting the punishment of those who broke the law) then the Council will now allow the protest and the would-be protestors have to go back to work. To be fair the High Council of Race Relations will have one white and one black member. I nominate Morgan Freeman and Sir Ian McKellen. They could easily sort this out and ensure that future protests only occur when legitimate grievances have been found.

*Best euphamism for interraction foreplay, ever.


Roscoe said...

Jay... there's a fuck ton more than the nooses thing.

The students who were charged with assault for wrestling a shotgun away from a white student who was pointing it at them? While the white student had nothing happen?

The black student who's being charged with assault with a deadly weapon - his shoe?

It's not an issue of Law and who is skirting it. It's a total fucked up townie culture. The DA or Sherrif mentioning how if there hadn't been any national attention most of the charges against most of these 'boys' would have been dropped?

Going for the joke? sure. no problem. Glossing and whitewashing the story to put the joke in place? Looking pretty damned bad. Tucker Carlson Bad.

_J_ said...

1) Having a shotgun is not against the law.

2) Anything can be argued to be a deadly weapon.

I really don't think any of these things indicate a racially motivated DA or Sherrif.

_J_ said...

Anything can be a deadly weapon.

_J_ said...

He said he didn’t charge the white students accused of hanging the nooses because he could find no Louisiana law under which they could be charged. In the beating case, he said, four of the defendants were of adult age under Louisiana law and the only juvenile charged as an adult, Mychal Bell, had a prior criminal record.

“It is not and never has been about race,” Walters said. “It is about finding justice for an innocent victim and holding people accountable for their actions.”

Andrew said...

the kids are being charged with attempted murder. ATTEMPTED MURDER for this:;_ylt=Aiq_oq7qM6grJo5rbzRvOpNsaMYA

Kylebrown said...

Just because a good ol' boy from the South could "find no Loiusiana law under which they could be charged" doesn't mean a law wasn't broken.

Hanging nooses from a tree for the given specific purpose constitutes a threat on the lives of the black students. I don't know about you, but as far as I know, a serious threat on another's life is against the law.

"while in other jurisdictions, such as the United States, assault refers only to the threat of violence caused by an immediate show of force"

It doesn't take a whole hell of a lot of thought to perceive a group of white kids in a racist town a hanging a noose in a tree to send a message to a group of black kids who wanted to sit under said tree, as a threat of violence.

Also, the way I understood it, the anger within the black community was not that the kids didn't go to jail, but that the kids didn't get expelled from the school.

Schools don't operate under the US or even State judicial codes. They instead have their own set of rules that they then enforce by their own standard, as should be the case.

It is a travesty that these kids who hung the noose received only a few days suspension as punishment for this. I knew kids in high school who were suspended for wearing inappropriate clothing (i.e. tee shirts with alcohol references). To equate this crime to the level of wearing a shirt that has 3 frogs saying bud weis and er, is a mockery, imo.

Andrew said...

J, you are dangerously close and may even already be "too far gone to care."

move away from Warsaw before it is too late.

_J_ said...

"The school superintendent was quoted as saying, "Adolescents play pranks. I don't think it was a threat against anybody.""

Is it possible that this is true?

Andrew said...

It may be true that the superintendant said that.
but it was a threat. a pretty serious death threat. A threat with a history. a recent history.

Andrew said...

and people got the crap beat out of each other all the time at my highschool.
some girl even ran another girl down with a car once. it was definately a death threat there.

no one ever got prison time. especially not 20 years.

_J_ said...

I still don't think the protest makes a damn bit of sense.

The group of black students actually beat a white student.

Andrew said...

J. as always you miss the point. I don't think you even know why they are protesting. like most americans. I shall lable you ignorant and move on, let me know when you find your way out of the white middle class suburban mindset.

Andrew said...

*note to those who don't know.

I grew up in lower class, racist, farm country.

_J_ said...

I don't think they know why they are protesting.

They chant, “Free the Jena Six” and talk about fixing "disparities in the justice system" while also saying, “What we need is federal intervention to protect people from Southern injustice." All while contantly invoking the notion that, “Our fathers in the 1960’s had to penetrate the Kennedy and Johnson administrations. We have to do the same thing.”

So they want the assaulters freed, protection from "southern injustice" and to invoke the 60s Civil Rights movement so that people take them seriously and don't view them as idiots hungry for attention.

Andrew said...

you are talking with the wrong protesters.

Or the media is talking to the wrong protesters.

_J_ said...

I grew up in middle class racist farm country. Not a Thanksgiving went by without my Grandpa saying "nigger" at least 6 times.

And I'm all for equality. Idiocy, however, i'm not for. isn't If they were really keen on having a discussion about racism they would have started when the nooses hit the trees, and not when a group of black kids were arrested for beating up a white kid.

But nooses in trees is only symbolic. And you can't amass a hysterical crowd with only symbolism. Now, students being arrested for breaking the law? That's a rallying point.

_J_ said...

"you are talking with the wrong protesters. Or the media is talking to the wrong protesters."

Who are the correct protestors? What is their message?

Andrew said...

part of the issue is they only beat up a kid. they did not attempt murder. they are getting prison time. they should get expelled from school. maybe a night in a local jail. the kid they beat up went to a party the same day he was beat up.

Andrew said...

there is an obvious double standard.

the white kid who pulled the gun, that could be argued as attempted murder, but instead of the white kid going to jail the guys who took the gun away were arrested.

by that logic your dad should be in jail for stoping that guy from committing suicide. he should probably just go ahead and turn himself in now.

_J_ said...

"there is an obvious double standard."

Yes. But carrying signs that say "Free the Jena 6" does not address that.

It's akin to that nappy headed hoes situation. People make racist comments. This pisses people off for years. Then Imus makes a racist comment that really pisses people off. Ah ha! Rallying point. So we amass the flock, protest, gain attention and then...get Imus fired.

Woo. Battle won. Racism fixed.

And this is the same thing. Instead of actually articulating a coherent message focused on fixing the root of the problem (southern racism and segregation) they rally around freeing a group of students who assalted another student.

Which is retarded. Both in its idiocy and it's retardation of forward motion for civil rights. One won't open a dialog with ignorant southern racists by demanding that a group of black students accused of assault be freed. That's just moronic.

Andrew said...

church leaders began in dialog at the point of the nooses to "heal the community"
they failed. but they tried.

Roscoe said...

The Law wasn't the initial issue.. the initial issue was the actions of the SCHOOL.

The school dismissed and reduced explusions of the white students in the first place.

The school brought in the DA to talk to the student body.. a DA who pointedly intimidated the black student body. " I can end your lives with a stroke of this pen".

You're seriously looking at this from a single blind perspective, and ignoring anything else. You're seriously looking at this the Tucker Carlson way.

Pretty soon? You and your dad will watch the Factor together. and NOT in irony, Jay. For god's sake, at least dig up more info. News articles, as opposed to Wiki.

_J_ said...

"The school dismissed and reduced explusions of the white students in the first place."

The superintendent did that. The principal thought they ought to be expelled. With the noose situation.

But you can keep telling me that i'm the uninformed one.

Caleb said...

Something to think about, Jay, is why you found out about this. Did you read it first at MSNBC, or was it FOX News that informed you? Do you expect them to cover anything that isn't sensationalist and at some level retarded? Do you imagine their field operatives were apt to interview sensible individuals who are concerned by the preceding events?

Given the situation as you understand all of its aspects do you believe that nothing other than that there is a group of people loudly protesting to be amiss?

_J_ said...

Nope. Mostly the loud protesting is amiss.

Caleb said...

Do you genuinely not get it or are you just standing by your previous argument?

Roscoe said...

His issue isn't the misapplied rule of law, or the travesty that is the local school community, it's that if Law is to be worth a damn, it needs to be followed, and the protesters are only making things worse.

It's a flawed premise on two levels; one, that the law is applied justly and inviolately by superhuman will, and two, the idea he goes back to about how the protesters aren't going to help move racial relations forward... which.. you know.. isn't their primary goal, so it's pretty much a non-issue to anyone else.

_J_ said...

Bail Denied for Jena Suspect

See? The protest worked.

Roscoe said...

Dear Jay,
What, precisely, is the point of that protest? Is it to get the kids freed? Is it to solve the issue of racial harmony? Is it to draw national attention, and force the issue into public light?

I suspect that you have a different answer to this question than everyone else.

_J_ said...

I say you as the protestors.

Maybe once they put down the pitchforks they'll turn into reasonable people. Or pumpkins.

Maybe they'll turn into pumpkins.