Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Richard Lenski, E. Coli, Conservapedia

Per today's You Are Dumb we have a wonderful example of what happens when faith meets science. The overview of the situation is that Richard Lenski spend 20 years observing, collecting, and growing E. Coli, eventually producing E. Coli which consume citrate, an activity which does not "naturally occur". Andy Schlafly, the founder of Conservapedia, "learned" of this, acted like a creationist asshole, and was then made a fool of by Richard Lenski, who is awesome.

So go read today's You Are Dumb. Then check out the Lenski Dialog on Conservapedia. And if you're just plain tickled by the exchange check out Richard Lenski's Homepage and delight in his awesome.


Unknown said...

Dude is awesome, but his picture freaks me out a bit...

Mike Lewis said...

that blue light is unfortunately placed.

Roscoe said...

I LOVED reading this stuff this morning.

_J_ said...

This was my favorite part of the exchange:

"Prof. Lenski claims that these bacteria ‘evolved’ novel traits and that these were preceded by the evolution of ‘potentiated genotypes’, from which the traits could be ‘reevolved’ using preserved colonies from those generations. But how are we to know if these traits weren’t ‘potentiated’ by the Creator when He designed the bacteria thousands of years ago, such that they would eventually reveal themselves when the time was right?"

Man, evolution is just a fancy word for pre-established changed built-into creation by Jesus. You can't prove it's wrong because I believe it's right! HA!

It's roughly the same idea used by Leibniz to argue against causality. Except monads make sense.

Roscoe said...

I loved the series of P.s'es

_J_ said...

The PS stuff was a bit obnoxious.

It wasn't needless...but obnoxious.

Roscoe said...

That's part of what's beautiful about it.

the guy was clearly PO'd.. and he was able to restrain that to it's proper, postscript place.