Monday, September 24, 2007

Ahmadinejad, the least insane.

When a cartoon of the Prophet Muhammad, blessings and peace be upon him, sparked protests from groups of Fundamentalist Islamists many Americans found the protests to be silly and needless. After all, our inherent belief in freedom of speech means that anyone ought to be able to say or print anything they want. This week Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is visiting New York. So, it's time for a bunch of dipshit Americans to be hypocritical.

From "The Evil Has Landed" Headlines to "Go To Hell!" signs, the American People have enbraced their idoicy, entrenched themselves in their ignorance, and have basically forgotten everything they ever learned in their American History classes.

I don't know why Ahmadinejad laying a wreath at Ground Zero would have been problematic. I don't know why people's vaginas have filled with sand at the thought of him addressing a group of college students. But mostly I'm ashamed of these people. Ignorance and isolation won't help anything. Denying a man the ability to make his case isn't helping anyone. Protesting his visit, calling him names, and generally acting as if he was the single greatest threat to democracy is sheer lunacy.

Let him lay his wreath. Let him say what he wants to say. Hell, if he wants to take a dump on the steps of the Capital then by all means allow him to do so. It's not hurting anything. It's not causing a problem. Fuck any notions of idiotic symbolism and just let the man say what he has to say and lay his wreath. Because if you keep acting like irate lunatics it won't help anything. Though, it might provide some nice B-Roll for a terrorist recruitment video.