Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Equal how?

In an interview, of sorts Bill Gates was ask why his foundation primarily helps third world countries. His answer begins, "Melinda and I started our foundation because we believe all lives have equal value." I am consternated by this idea; the idea of universal human equality. At Anderson we had to take a class of half-assed philosophy and one day we discussed human value. The teacher asked me, "Don't you think each human life is valuable, is equal?" My reply? "Equal how?"

In what way are all human beings equal? Human beings have different sexes, different abilities, different preferences, different physical and mental capabilities. Some human beings have no legs, no arms. Some human beings do not even have their own bodies, but share a body with another human being.

We can say that all human beings are equal; we can embrace egalitarianism. But what is the foundation for our doing so? What do we mean by this sort of equality? Because, yes, we can say that all human beings are equal, just as we can describe unicorns. But are we actually talking about anything? And if so, what?

The idea is even further complicated by applying this notion of equality to human embryos. What quality do human embryos have which cow, pig, or dog embryos lack? And what quality do human embryos share with octogenarian human beings?

If we ignore the declaration of this equality as self-evidently true, what is its foundation? And if there is none why do people still use it?

Keep in mind that Plato was wrong.


Roscoe said...

Sacharine sugar-substitutes are made of people? Peeeeeopllllle?

I got nothing, 'cept contrarianism today.

_J_ said...

I get Contrarianism Today for the articles.

Roscoe said...

Do they offer a cantankerous old fart discount?

Because Argumentative Douchebag Monthly just isn't giving me my fightin' quota no more.

_J_ said...

A.D. Monthly experienced a hostile takeover by The Weekly Standard and then went downhill.

S.T.F.U. Quarterly has some good stuff, and the membership fee is reasonable. But it's a Quarterly.

Roscoe said...

I just can't wait that long for some good blood boil'n arguin'.

I suppose I could just read the National Review.

But that might make me gastric.

_J_ said...

Or you could wander into Rosenthal's Office.

Roscoe said...

Doc Bob's a weird sort. Affable, but worrisome. Also, owner of a three legged pet.

_J_ said...

You could argue with Ahrens or Kate. They're awesome.