Thursday, December 20, 2007


Read this youaredumb article.

Harry Reid tried to pass a Bill which gave immunity to the telecommunications industry who illegally wiretapped american citizens.

While other candidates for president stayed on the campaign trail, Sen. Dodd spent eight hours debating on the Senate floor until Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada acquiesced and agreed to postpone a vote until after the new year. Sen. Reid agreed to reconsider the immunity provision. A House version does not contain the wiretap immunity language.

So out of all the Democratic candidates it was Dodd who was willing to do what needed to be done, who had the balls to stand up for what is Right, who actually did something rather than just bash Bush and tell people what they want to hear.

vote Dodd?


Mike Lewis said...

Dodd is kinda awesome. It is just to bad that he didnt grow balls 9 months ago.

_J_ said...

Who knew?

He really should have done this sort of thing nine months ago and been a human being with principles that are sensible and based in a recognition of how the government is supposed to work.

Rather being "that guy with white hair".