Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Huckabee Baiting: Political Ads Suck

Huckabee is running a poltical ad about how awful poltical ads are because he get in the way of talking about how important it is this time of year to celebrate the birth of some guy who may or may not be real.


Mike Lewis said...

Ron Paul Resonces...and makes sence

_J_ said...


“Are you about worn out of all the television commercials you’ve been seeing, mostly about politics? I don’t blame you. At this time of year, sometimes it’s nice to just pull aside from all that, and remember that what really matters is the celebration of the birth of Christ. I hope you and your family will have a magnificent Christmas season. And on behalf of all of us, God bless, and Merry Christmas.”

1. Christmas is not a religious holiday

2. Ok. The job of the president is to represent the people. Not a select group of people, not a certain group of people, not a percentage of people. THE. PEOPLE.

Mike Huckabee with his "what really matters is the celebration of the birth of Christ" cannot do that.

So why the FUCK is he still talking?

Mike Lewis said...

one should also notice the VERY (un)subtle cross behind him as the camera moves around. Yes this is the thing between the pains glass in the window. But nothing is ever unintentional in an advertisement. If i noticed it, and the ass-stones on Fox News and CNN noticed it....

_J_ said...


_J_ said...

When Bill Donahue and I agree on something...

_J_ said...


Really? REALLY?

"I'm a presidential canditate running an ad in Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina. But it's just a harmless spot wishing people a Merry Christmas...in Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina...and I'm a presidential candidate..."

Fucking fuck fucker.

_J_ said...

And it's not even...

Who the FUCK thinks "Awww, he's wishing a Merry Christmas to the people in Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina. What an odd choice of states. He's such a nice man."

Who the FUCK is so...how...STUPID FUCK...how...

How are those people functional? How do they live?

Who is that dense?

Who is that FUCKING DENSE?


Kylebrown said...

What I find interesting about the whole thing is that Huckabee has already won the nut jobs that this sort of religious whoring will appeal to, however too anyone else that recognizes this stunt for what it is, will be only be less likely to vote/nominate him. I don't understand how he thought this would be a good idea.

_J_ said...

"I don't understand how he thought this would be a good idea."

You're making the classic mistake of assuming that "thought" occured.

Roscoe said...

Kyle, man.. you're missing it.. it's not about appealing to an electorate, as much as it is stealth assault on other candidates.

It refocuses attention onto religion, which inevitably raises Romney's Mormon background as "The Other".

It's almost too blatant to be subtle, and yet, it's nothing but subtle.

Because it's the ultimate in armored attack ads. You can't assault the ad, becuase it's concealed in a Warm Seasonal Message.

I'm surprised Mikey didn't catch it, what with his ability to recognize camoflauge.

_J_ said...

It's anti-stealth, though, like Mormon uniforms.

The line about "Christ being the reason for the season", which is demonstrably-fucking-wrong, the "Paid for by Mike Huckabee for President" tag at the end, the fact that it is only airing in Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina all combine to make it a blatantly exploitive use of "Christ" to get votes.

Anyone can attack it. To attack the ad is not to attack Christmas. Rather, it is to attack Huckabee as an opportunistic jackass who exploits Christ to get votes.

Probably not the most Christian thing one can do. It's certainly less Christian than stoning adulterers.

Roscoe said...

You've left the realms of perception, though, which is entirely where elections take place, and CERTAINLY where election ads take place.

You're talking about the implications of the ad's actual content, and not looking at the implications of the evocative content the ad seems to have.

_J_ said...

Too True.