Saturday, December 22, 2007

Snow [chat]


Kylebrown said...

snow is teh suck.

chat done.

_J_ said...

Someone at work asked me what roads I take to get to work.

I don't know road names, ok? I don't NEED to know road names.

So then I got on google maps to find the road names and most of the squares around where I live were not filled in.


Kylebrown said...


Kylebrown said...

seems reasonably filled in to me

_J_ said...

It is working now.

Stupid map technology and my not knowing road names.

Roscoe said...

There is a loud, slightly peevish cat in my lap right now. and my typing angers her.

thought you all should know.

_J_ said...

There is a loud, slightly peevish cat in my lap right now. and my typing angers her.

That's the oddest description of a penis I have ever heard.

Roscoe said...

Well, if you'd stop tuning me out and ignoring my links, you'd not HAVE that problem.

MANY, MANY, so VERY many other problems, sure... but not THAT one.

_J_ said...

I don't know what that means. Unless you are suggesting that you have an obsession with sending penis related links.

_J_ said...

WiFi Detecting T-Shirt


_J_ said...

Peter Jackson to produce The Hobbit

What is even more awesome?

"Two “Hobbit” films are scheduled to be shot simultaneously, similar to how the three “Lord of the Rings” films were made. Production is set to begin in 2009 with a released planned for 2010, with the sequel scheduled for a 2011 release."

If they split the novel into two movies they might actually show EVERYTHING!

Kylebrown said...

Whoo staying home from work and playing video games. I'm a total slacker.

_J_ said...

You jerkface.

Write my purpose statement for me!

_J_ said...

Didn't you spend most of the weekend working, though?

Kylebrown said...

just 8 hours on saturday
and a slightly late night on friday.

Kylebrown said...

oh, and I belive I already wrote your purpose statement for you, in the form of carpe diem.. only modernized and cynicized

_J_ said...

I mailed my grad school apps today and finished the online applications last night. They are complete*!

*I still need for my letters of recommendation to be mailed.

Kylebrown said...

Woo go you!

_J_ said...

I'm so awesome.

_J_ said...

Aion is very very pretty.

_J_ said...

Watch this trailer

It is for Aion Online.

It makes WoW look like crappy crap crap.

Kylebrown said...

while it is indeed pretty, I HATE the fact that there are only 2 "races" which are not races at all but both basically humans. I don't want to play a game in which I have an avatar, and that avatar can be only human. I'm human now, why would I want to play a game in which I am forced to be a human. Just my little gripe. I feel like racial choices add a lot of flavor to an mmo, a flavor I most distinctly enjoy.

_J_ said...

I agree that only humans is lame. But the game is still in the works so perhaps new races will be available.

It is so PRETTY, though. And I like the idea of players having wings rather than flying mounts.

_J_ said...

Christmas bonus!

Kylebrown said...

Woo Daily and Colbert are back on the 7th with or without their writers.

"In a joint statement, Stewart and Colbert said: "We would like to return to work with our writers. If we cannot, we would like to express our ambivalence, but without our writers we are unable to express something as nuanced as ambivalence.""

Kylebrown said...

reinstalling wow...

EQ2 was awful. The look and feel was so antiquated and the UI was clunky.

Let the flames begin.

_J_ said...

"We would like to return to work with our writers. If we cannot, we would like to express our ambivalence, but without our writers we are unable to express something as nuanced as ambivalence."


I spent all day setting up for sibling's Wedding Reception.

Fuck damn it I hate chairs and folding tables.

Science? Invent hover-furniture.

Lazy ass sons of bitches.