Wednesday, June 27, 2007


So... I just got into work, and loaded up YouAreDumb today.. turns out it's still yesterday's column, and a well written one at that..

what I didn't notice yesterday, but just got was the title. "Inner City Pressure"...

I'm going to have synth hooks in my head all day.

Inner! Inner city... Inner. City. Pressure!


_J_ said...

I'm taking pictures of orange nubs.

_J_ said...

That was a very good youaredumb.

"No, this law is a shitty thing to do because it's just one more way to try and convince people that they live consequence-free lives."

Yesterday people in the office were talking about how "gross" it is to think about how the food we eat comes from animals, or the dirt, or the whatever. And how if we're eating chicken we shouldn't talk about chickens, or remind ourself that chickens were slaughtered, because that reminds us that we are beings living on a planet whereon some forms of life consume other forms of life.

I hate people who pretend to live in some other reality than the reality in which they live.

_J_ said...

Do you understand how Labels work?

Roscoe said...

I understand nothing, and care for about as much.

WAS a good YAD.