Thursday, July 12, 2007

Flash: Fat Fucks Treated like Fat Fucks

A Groundbreaking New Study found that,

Overweight children are stigmatized by their peers as early as age 3 and even face bias from their parents and teachers, giving them a quality of life comparable to people with cancer, a new analysis concludes.

Youngsters who report teasing, rejection, bullying and other types of abuse because of their weight are two to three times more likely to report suicidal thoughts as well as to suffer from other health issues such as high blood pressure and eating disorders, researchers said.

“The stigmatization directed at obese children by their peers, parents, educators and others is pervasive and often unrelenting,” researchers with Yale University and the University of Hawaii at Manatoa wrote in the July issue of Psychological Bulletin.

The study also found that Mr. Candybar will never judge you and that Mr. Candybar loves you just the way you are.


Roscoe said...

Twix, however, is a two faced bastard, all sweet when you're around, and dishing all your secrets when you leave.

What do you think happened to Peanut Butter, Cookies and Cream, and Chocolate Royale?

PB told mob secrets. been in Witness Protection for ever. Cookies and Cream? Yakuza got 'em. Chocolate Royale? Funsized, permenantly. You don't EVER cross Mars, Inc.

MA17 said...

I like how you called a study on fat kids "groundbreaking".

I hope these people continue their study until they discover that kids get made fun of not just for being too fat, but for being too anything. "That kid's too average! Let's get him!"

_J_ said...

Expectations for future studies:

"Water quenches thurst!"
"Handicapped kids called derogatory names."
"Oxygen inhilation needed for human life."

Kylebrown said...

"Poor people die when injected with deadly poisons"

_J_ said...

I never knew...