Wednesday, July 11, 2007

G4 is a bunch of shitheads.

This is so awesome.

G4 cut to commercial while they were showing the new Halo 3 trailer at E3.

Check out the video

If you turn it up you can hear Adam Sessler bitching as they go to commercial.

It's so wonderful.

Fuck G4.


MA17 said...

G4 and Sony should have a contest to see who can hate a man to death first because at this point it's hard to tell who hates us more.

_J_ said...

That would be an excellent contest. I have no idea who would win...

So much hate between the two of them.

Roscoe said...

can one create a feeback loop between the two of them? Engineer a Zero-Point Hate Machine? Harness the energy of hate to power the earth?

Take that, Hippies! HATRED will solve global warming!

MA17 said...

I watched a Heavenly Sword hands-on and maybe 30 seconds of the feature had 1/3 of the screen blocked by one of those damn chat windows that they do sometimes because they haven't hated on us lately.