Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Rant: Dear Apple,

Dear Apple,

I just spent 3 minutes trying to figure out how to open the little cd tray on the Mac here at work. There is no button on the CD tray, you see, because that would not be intuitive. Instead I had to get on google, search "mac open cd" and find a faq which told me to hold down F12 (didn't work), drag the disc to the trash, (didn't work), or hold down the eject key on the keyboard. Eject key? On the keyboard? Oh, apparently the little up triangle is an eject key.

That's good, though. That's good. Nice and intuitive. Nice and user friendly. We can't just PUT A FUCKING BUTTON ON THE GOD DAMNED CD TRAY. Nope, nope. We need an eject key on the keyboard, or some obscure key combination.

Because when recognizing that the basic human impulse when trying to interact with something is to poke it (thank you iPhone) the most sensible thing to do is not have a button on the CD tray. But rather put a little triangle on the keyboard.

I think my co-worker assessed this correctly when she said, "Well, that's retarded."

Go buy another turtleneck,


Kylebrown said...

Hehe, took Phantom 2 hours to figure out how to open his here at work on his MacPro.

_J_ said...

Well, Phantom is stupid.

I'm an IT guy. So it only took me 3 minutes.

Caleb said...

We're all special.

Roscoe said...

You know.. You could have been a real man, and took tools to it. Mod it. Go find that Japanese Ninja Drill of your dad's. Get to work installing an eject button.

_J_ said...

Apples are not for modding. Hell, you can't even install a new video card in them, let alone an eject button.

Roscoe said...

With the right drill, you can. Say one who's very BATTERIES are cooled by fans, lest they overpower their device.

_J_ said...

Speaking of drilling into iMacs. At the Helpdesk we once had to drill into an iMac. Well, we didn't "have to". But we had an iMac and a drill. It all sort of came together.

Caleb said...

It is truly, the best job in the world.

_J_ said...

I wish I worked at the Helpdesk.