Saturday, August 25, 2007

IU Bans Smoking

Around this time last year I noticed that people were making plans to ban smoking on IU campus. I thought it was a silly idea, what with there already being bans on smoking near doorways and at bus stops, the kinds of bans that keep the crowds smoke-free, while still allowing for smoking in the emptier or more avoidable areas.

And though I thought the ban was silly, I was fearful that if these people were serious about enacting such a thing, that they'd probably get their way. I mean, what can a group of smokers say in their defense that wouldn't essentially be an insubstantial and yellow-toothed "dont' tread on me"? And that's assuming that smokers would even have the energy to stand up for themselves. We're a pretty relaxed group, after all.

Today I read this article in the student newspaper. The interview with the sophomore makes it sound like the whole plan came together because a bunch of people thought smoking was "icky" and banning it would "just, you know, be like, nicer". Which is irritating, but only about as irritating as, say, having someone smoke near you, so I'll let it slide.

My hope is that there will be a month or two of warnings and the occasional example made of some unlucky guy before the ban is just outright ignored. Who's going to enforce this damn rule? “Normally that is handled through the office of student ethics at the dean’s office,” Minger said. “They would be enforcing that kind of regulation.” What the hell does that mean? Do I need to swing by the dean's office and blow a big fat smoke ring in his face in order to get called out for smoking? Or is the scene that keeps playing in my head where I'm running from a bunch of angry old professors all Benny Hill-style how this is going to play out? It'll be interesting to find out.


_J_ said...

"In the newly created position of smoking cessation educator"

IU now has a smoking cessation educator? Could they have made the position sound more evil?

"there might be some resistance to the policy initially, but she thinks the political climate is changing in such a way that people are becoming more accepting of these kinds of policies."

So, people are becomming more apathetic?

“I don’t think anyone who smokes will be thrilled,” Ashkin said. “But I guess there’s not much they can do about it.”


Caleb said...

Totalitarianism is back, baby.

MA17 said...

The upswing here is that we can turn the campus into a miniature model of prohibition America. All listening to ragtime and rolling smokes in bathtubs.

MA17 said...

Scoughrates will die for his cigarette.

Kylebrown said...

sorry, been away from internet for a while, but now that I'm back I must ask what you are doing creating threads, when you clearly stated your stance on leaving the chat thread?

MA17 said...

This site has been rezoned and is now one large chat thread. The appropriate documents are on display at the court house.