Friday, November 9, 2007


Clips from EVERY DAILY SHOW are available at Do you know what that means?


The greatest segment the Daily Show has ever or will ever do.


MA17 said...

When they say "every (Stewart) Daily Show ever", they're not kidding around! Awesome!

_J_ said...


Yes yes.

Mike Lewis said...

i kinda wish some of the Kilborn era stuff was up.

Partly because i feel that the corespondent stuff is really good, (Brian Unger, Beth Littleford, and A. Whitney Brown were all way funnier than Killborn).

But also because as great as Daily has become, those first few years were rough. Stewart didnt really find his voice on the show till the 2000 presidential election.

It does look like they are going all the way back - then the videos launch a few weeks back the year slider did not go back to 2008. That may be a good sign.


_J_ said...

Stewart had to transition from the Killborn "stupid shit" to political humor over those first few years. While things like 5 Questions were gone from the first day the position of the show had to slowly be changed. How long did it take for John to be able to interview authors rather than movie stars?

I don't hold those first few years against him.

And if they put the Killborn stuff on the site they could possibly have to pay him royalties, and I am against Craig Killborn receiving any form of payment for anything he does.

Unless the payment is a shotgun blast to the head or a rabid beaver to the groin.