Friday, November 9, 2007

Musical Tesla Coils

Even better, just guess what they're playing? But don't guess after you've heard the first three notes, cause that's too easy.


_J_ said...

Tesla Coils are on my list of "Favorite Things, Ever".

Roscoe said...

see.. guessing doesn't work when hovering over the link gives you the page title.

Conveince beats mystery every time, unfortunately.

Lady Enide said...

...yes, Roscoe, I knew that, but I decided to count on your integrity NOT to check out the little link destination at the bottom of your browser window (it's eyes are up HERE, etc.). But I spose there's no honor among thieves OR sith.

_J_ said...

Roscoe has no honor.

And, we are all sith.

Perhaps you have seen the formal proof?

Kylebrown said...

I didn't read the link's url, my problem was with the giant header at the top of the page... kind of a give away...

_J_ said...

Either none of you understand whimsy or you are cursed with a Sherlockian, Houseian, Darkwing Duckian awareness of all clues and facts at all times.

Roscoe said...

Ducks LOVE Metaphor.

Lady Enide said...

Brilliantest insult ever, J. Thank you. And I've been reading the formal proof thread...

Roscoe said...

Also. We're Browns. Whimsy quickly takes a different, dark turn at our house.

_J_ said...

Also. We're Browns. Whimsy quickly takes a different, dark turn at our house.

I was going to make a joke about whimsy killing your dog but I thought it would be too cruel.

So, again, not going to make that joke.