Friday, April 11, 2008

Gay Severed Heads Fucking and Cursing.

Some days as I sit here writing rants while my boss is at lunch I think "Maybe I am grossly mistaken and those who maintain views contrary to my own are correct."* Perhaps other people have access to some clarity of purpose and thought which justifies their positions yet eludes me. The problem is that whenever I start to think that way I'll stumble upon something which results from this contrary way of thinking about the world:

And then I get mad.

Ok, assuming that human beings have choice and all actions are not just one big string of causality** then the things which offend an individual are the things an individual chooses to be offended by; this is how "offense" works. We choose to be offended by violence, by sex, by homosexuality. There is not some metaphysical aspect of these actions which triggers an inherent component of human beings and so brings about feelings of offense. Rather, we pick and choose. So if someone is more offended by heterosexual sex than severed human heads they have chosen to be offended.

So the question becomes why would someone choose to be more offended by sex than violence?

The answer, I think, is that violence is more familiar to individuals. Human beings are more comfortable with violence than heterosexual sex or homosexual kissing. With this familiarity comes the understanding of violence as removed from society, peripheral, a fantasy. So we would much rather expose our children to severed heads than sexuality as severed heads belong to that aspect of society which is acknowledged to be a fantasy and removed whereas sexuality poses immediate danger and harm due to its unfamiliarity and allure. We can inundate our children with images of violence due to the understanding that violence is wrong whereas sexuality can be good and so maintaining a strong defense against sexuality is far more difficult.

Unfortunately that world view is fucked the hell up.

I mean, really. How is violence less offensive than sexuality? Ignoring that pseudo-psychologial/sociological babble I spouted last paragraph (because it's bullshit) how can human beings maintain the position that two people engaged in sex is at all offensive let alone more offensive than severed human heads?

Consentual sex is not problematic or harmful; it is not bad. Sure, pregnancy can result from heterosexual sex, but then we have to get into that whole "pregnancy is not bad but sometimes it is but it's not really bad so much as it is inconvenient but babies are not inconvenient though they sometimes are but they're really a blessing except sometimes they are a burden but not a burden more of an unexpected surprise in the form of a burden which is a gift" idiocy. Ignoring all of that jackassery how the fuck is two people fucking more problematic and offensive than two people killing one another?

So if you're going to be an idiot. If you're going to be offended. If you're going to be an ignorant jackass who want to shelter and isolate your children in an effort to ensure that they never objectively observe reality and instead spend their lives clinging to baseless illusions fabricated by your frightened, delusional self then how about you at least get your fucking priorities right and ignorantly flee from the correct things?

Sex is not problematic; sex is not bad. Violence is problematic; violence is bad.

Unless I am mistaken, of course. Maybe it is the case that we are happy that those teenagers in Florida beat up a girl so that they could post it on Youtube. At least none of them had sex and the guys did not kiss one another. Man, that would have really sucked.

*Ok, I never actually think I'm incorrect. But for the purpose of prose let's just all pretend that there are times when I am not an arrogant, narcissistic ass.
**We don't have choice and existence really is just one big string of causality. But since most people are delusional and do not accept this I will happily use their own arguments against them.


MA17 said...

I'm inclined to say that since the survey was aimed at parents, the results are going to align neatly with "What don't you want your 14 year old doing on a Saturday night?" My assumption is that if parent's aren't worried about violence it's because they're pretty sure junior is well-adjusted enough not to kill a hobo for no reason, but he's also probably well-adjusted enough to want to have sex, so they worry about how sex is portrayed in their homes while the violence is regulated less strictly.

For the sake of my argument, I'm going to invent an activity. It's called Ejaculating Onto Girls With Fishbowls on their Heads Who Then Stab You in the Leg (EOGWFOTHWTSYITL). The reason it's tied for 0% on that poll is because it's not on parent's minds. Mom and dad aren't staying up late rehearsing what they're going to say to their son when they find out he's into EOGWFOTHWTSYITL, but you can be sure they've got a speech ready for having sex at that age. If video games started glorifying credit card debt, I would bet that it would start topping charts like this one, but that doesn't mean that credit card debt is worse than murder, it just means that it's so tempting and easy to get into, and the short-term rewards are so great, that parents have to be careful in how it's depicted.

_J_ said...

Isn't it a bit odd that we are more comfortable with violence than sex?