Saturday, May 31, 2008

Carl Levin kicks ass

So, the Clinton representative goes on this diatribe about how Michigan Uncomitted delegates need to remain uncomitted because they are uncommitted. He completely ignores the fact that only Clinton had her name on the ballot and sings praises of the uncomitted delegate position.

Then Carl Levin speaks:

"You're calling for a fair reflection of a flawed primary."

"You can't say that a ballot where you have one candidate named and one not included is reflective."


Mike Lewis said...

Daily Kos is reporting that the Florida delegations will be seated at half strength.

they are now beginning to debate Michigan.

Mike Lewis said...

again from Kos: Michigan will be seated at half strength the new slipt is

Senator Clinton, 69 delegates casting 34.5 votes,
Senator Obama 59 delegates casting 29.5 votes.

this makes the new Magic Number 2118, it is still nearly impossible for clinton to win.