Saturday, July 14, 2007

I missed getting a Wii by 30 seconds.

I missed getting a Wii by 30 seconds. I walked into On Goody right behind the woman who got it. She walked into the store and walked right up the the counter. I walked in and went the other way, then noticed the sign saying they had a Wii.

If I had gotten there 30 seconds earlier? Or, really, just 15 seconds, or however much time it would have taken to be in front of that woman? I would have a Wii right now.

But I don't. Because I was 30 seconds too slow.

You know what? That woman is probably a time traveler. I bet she traveled through time 30 seconds into the future just so she could be in front of me.


So I still don't have a Wii, because of Time Travelers. But I do have Arrested Development, because it was on sale. And the Time Travelers could not take that from me.


Mike Lewis said...

you and your fucking time travelers

_J_ said...

There is no other explanation which explains why another human being would walk into a store right in front of me.


MA17 said...

Especially at On-Goody. Nobody goes in there until the previous customer has left. It's On-Goody law.

_J_ said...

Exactly. And since no one but me goes in there on Saturday it stands to reason that the customer who entered before me ought to have not entered until after I left!

It's just science.