Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Atheist Club

While going through files on my old PC i came across the constitution that i wrote for the Atheist/Agnostic Life.

After a very long dinner i found BASIC's consitution and just changed the words. I think the reason we did this was because of that other Christian organization started. The idea was to see what would happen if we tried to start an atheist organization. If it was rejected we could than say "This is the same exact thing as BASIC" or something. someone else (jay) might have a better memory on how this happened. Enjoy.

Constitution of
Atheist/Agnostic Life of Hanover College

Article I – Name
The name of this organization shall be called Atheist/Agnostic Life of Hanover College

Article II – Purpose
Section 1 – To motivate students to commitment to atheism/agnosticism.
Section 2 – To promote Atheist/Agnostic philosophies
Section 3 – To involve them in the study of Atheist/Agnostic writings.
Section 4 – To show members how to spread Atheist/Agnostic philosophies.
Section 5 – To involve them in experiences of Atheist/Agnostic community.
Section 6 – To involve them in Atheist/Agnostic social life and recreation.
Section 7 – To lead them to examine academic disciplines from an Atheist/Agnostic perspective.
Section 8 – To enlist and train them for a life of Atheist/Agnostic service in their vocation.
Section 9 - To enhance the sense of community within the club
Section 10 - To better our understanding of the underlying moral and social values in atheism/agnosticism

Article III – Membership

Section 1 –
Any student regularly enrolled in Hanover College may become a member of Atheist/Agnostic Life of Hanover College with voting and office-holding privileges. Membership in Atheist/Agnostic Life of Hanover College shall be defined as “participatory”. A person who comes to and/or participates in activities sponsored by the Atheist/Agnostic Life of Hanover College shall be allowed to become a member.

Article IV – Organization

President: The fundamental duty of the President will be to oversee all matters of Atheist/Agnostic Life. The President shall be in charge of leading club meetings and organizing club functions. The president shall also have the duty of maintaining contact with the individual members of Atheist/Agnostic Life.

Vice President: The Vice President is to assist the president in all required duties. The Vice president shall also act as a perpetual stand in, acquiring full power of any office where the appointed individual is unable to fulfill their appointed duties. These powers shall be held until such time that another individual is voted into the designated office by a 2/3 majority vote. The Vice President shall also handle the public relations of Atheist/Agnostic Life.

All records regarding financial documentation shall be the responsibility of the Treasurer. While the uses of these funds are a matter of the entire club, the Treasurer is in charge of maintaining a record of these funds. These records shall be made available to any member who wishes to view them.

Secretary: The Secretary shall have the responsibility of keeping organized records of the happenings of each meeting and function of Atheist/Agnostic Life. The Secretary shall also keep all attendance and membership records

Article V – Elections
Officers to Atheist/Agnostic Life of Hanover College will be elected at the end of fall and winter terms. Elected officers will include a president, vice president, treasurer, and a secretary. By having only four officers in Atheist/Agnostic Life of Hanover College, we will remain both stable and small. Each office will have specific duties outlined by the nature of the office. In addition officers will take on delegated duties, which are to be issued by the president as needed. No term limits will be in effect for the offices unless decided upon by the entire club. Duties of the offices are as stated above.

Section 1 – Prospective council members shall be nominated by the Atheist/Agnostic Life of Hanover College members at large during the fourth week of April.
Section 2 – Any student member is eligible for nomination as an officer who: (a) is an Atheist/Agnostic, (b) participates in Atheist/Agnostic functions which support the beliefs and teachings of atheism/agnosticism, and (c) has a desire to minister to fellow students in the community.
Section 3 – Elections shall be held during the afore mentioned week and a vote shall be taken by a show of hands of the Atheist/Agnostic Life of Hanover College at large.
Section 4 – There will be a preparatory meeting for the newly elected members of council during the final term of classes.
Section 5 – The newly elected members shall fill their positions beginning the first week of fall semester.

Article VI – Amendments

All amendments to the constitution shall be approved by the Officers of Atheist/Agnostic Club of Hanover College. The proposed amendment may be presented to members at any meeting, or may be presented over a five (5) day period to the Atheist/Agnostic Life of Hanover College at large. The Officers of Atheist/Agnostic Club of Hanover College shall set a time to vote, and a 2/3 majority shall pass the amendment. It shall be effective immediately.


Andrew said...
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Andrew said...

the memories 'eh?

Roscoe said...

Something about that is brilliantly petty.

_J_ said...

It was brilliant. I think it was sophmore year...I think. Because it happened when they formed Be Real, which I went to with Smoker Dan, who lived across the hall from Andrew and, yeah, sophmore year.

It was one of our more brilliant plans. Take the BASIC (Brothers Anal-fuck Sisters In Christ) constitution, change "christ" or "christian" to "atheist" and then apply for club status. Since they approved the BASIC constitution they would certainly approve the Atheist club constitution. They were exact copies of one another with a few nouns changed.

Mike Lewis said...

Be Real!
that was its name!

Mike Lewis said...

i am nothing if not petty

_J_ said...

Cause they were *really* excited about the Lord.

And drinking.

Roscoe said...

man.. I'm not saying it's bad.. I'm saying it is BRILLIANT. The pettiness of it is it's claim to fame.

If it was done for some sort of higher purpose, it'd be lame..

gudrun said...

fantastic!how did it turn out?did you actually realize the club??I`m really interested to know the whole story..