Monday, August 6, 2007

The Human Condition.

So here's a picture of two cats:

kitteh jar

I think this picture explains the human condition. At first there is one cat stuck in a jar. Then the next cat happens upon this jar and even though the cat can see that the other cat is stuck in the jar the non-stuck cat "decides" that it, too, must be stuck in the same jar so that it might experience the same things as the cat-in-jar.

What is interesting is that the jar is transparent. So we can see the trap, see through the trap, and see those others who are in the trap. Yet still we, like cats, enter into the trap and once in the trap merely try to find comfort within the transparent trap into which we entered. Yet there always remains the entrance through which we entered the trap.

It might be a metaphor for dating, or marriage, or spending money needlessly, or really any situation in which one sees other people, trapped, yet decides that were they to be in that same trap they would do it better than those who are trapped. So they enter into the same transparent trap situation and, as a result, become themselves trapped with those others who are trapped.

I'm not sure, though. I'm photoshopping pictures of wingnuts, which I think is an activity that drains hope from a person.

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