Thursday, November 29, 2007

Mike Huckabee: Heeding the wrong text.

Apparently Mike Huckabee did well in last night's CNN debate. While one CNN debate is not the proverbial ballgame it is quite terrifying that Mike Huckabee could do well in a Presidential debate. Why? Because this is who Mike Huckabee is:

"I put my head on the pillow and I just want to make sure that the father above is pleased. In essence, I can say that I have one client I have to please."

Dedicating one's life to the pleasing of one's chosen Deity is sensible for a preacher. It behooves a member of the clergy to focus their efforts on Deity pleasing. Unfortunately, as we learned from the Muhammad Teddy Bear story, Theocracies are a bad idea. They are problematic. Even if Mike Huckabee's goal is not to establish a Theocracy maintained by the sentient zygotes he "saves" I still think it would behoove both Huckabee and Huckabee's supporters to read Article II of the United States Constitution.

Go ahead and read it. I'll wait.


Done? Alright. Now go back to that page. Search for the word "preacher", "clergy", "cleric" and any other term you can think of for a person with a religious ideology who has dedicated their life to the pleasing of their chosen Deity. You won't find any of those words.

It's not the President's job to enforce his or her religious ideology. It's not the President's job to be the Pastor in Chief. It's not the job of the President to command via the Bible.

And most importantly? The President does not have only one client. A President is not only subject to their chosen Deity. A President is subject to the American People. All of them. A President's job is to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.

Mike Huckabee cannot do that. His concern is not for everyone. His focus is not on Article II.

His obligation is to his chosen Deity who is not, interestingly enough, a citizen of the United States of America.


Andrew said...

I do not Heart Huckabee.

Travis LeMaster said...

How do you make the leap from Huckabee's strong expressions of his Christian faith to the establishment of a theocracy in this country?

Mike Lewis said...

how is it that you found our blog?

_J_ said...

Welcome to everyone is a sith. Tell your friends.

"I put my head on the pillow and I just want to make sure that the father above is pleased. In essence, I can say that I have one client I have to please."

Huckabee has only one client he has to please. Establishing a Theocracy is not outside of the realm of possibility when one considers that his only obligation is to his invisible sky daddy.

Kylebrown said...

The president's first and foremost concern should be that of his constituents, the citizens of the US. Huckabee has explicitly stated on multiple occasions that his first and foremost concern is that of serving his god. There is no excuse for him to survive the primaries, if he does the delegates have failed the rest of the country, by choosing the most electable candidate rather than the best candidate.

Money in politics has caused this and, unfortunately, I see no end to it.

Anonymous said...

Huckabee seems to want fundamentalism. It could never happen, even if Huckabilly really wanted to do it. I don't think he does, he just wants the votes from those who do. He's not stupid enough to want it or to try to do it as POTUS, he's just stupid enough to say it.

Huckleberry is too conservative on religion and too liberal on criminals and the economy and immigration.

Huckabye? Huckabee wants to have adulterers, homosexuals and rape victims stoned to death. He also wants to make alcohol and music videos illegal, and make women 2nd class citizens and to take all girls out of school.

Oops, my bad, that's another 'religion'.

Hey, anybody but the PIAPS!

if you’re MAD
punish your country
VOTE for Hillary

Travis LeMaster said...


When has Huckabee ever stated that he wanted anyone stoned to death? That is an irresponsible comment.