Friday, November 30, 2007

Warsaw Bank Robbed

From the Times Union Online:

At 9:40 a.m. today, dispatch received a call of an armed robbery at Lake City Bank, 420 Chevy Way, Warsaw. Two men, allegedly dressed all in black, walked into the bank and robbed an undisclosed amount of money, and left in a dark-colored mini-van on Ind. 15. Police were not sure of the direction the mini-van headed. No further information was available at press time.


Andrew said...

why is this blog worthy?
banks get robbed. woop.

_J_ said...

It's in Warsaw. It's where some of us are from.

Armed Robbery in Warsaw? It's never happened before.

Andrew said...

oh. really? they have happened in salem before. hell. a couple went on a bank robing spree abuot a year ago in southern IN. sometimes i think So IN is stuck in the 1930s

Kylebrown said...

It has happened before. Dillinger did it once also.

As j mentioned though, they are extremely uncommon in warsaw.

Mike Lewis said...

it happens at least once a year in warsaw

there was a robbery in leaseburge least year.

there was a whole rash of them 2 years ago

_J_ said...

Really? I've never heard of one.


Kylebrown said...

The Leesburg incident (which is the only local bank robbery I remember during my liftime) was more than just a year ago, it was 5 years ago if it was a day. And I have no recollection of a rash of them 2 years ago, but then again I wasn't really around 2 years ago, so that would have been completely possible.

_J_ said...

I don't think Mikey is correct. Armed Robbery happens at least once a year in Warsaw?



MA17 said...

I hope they didn't steal my $1.94

Caleb said...

FDIC's got your back.

_J_ said...

There needs to be an action/adventure series on Fox about two members of the FDIC who Insure Deposits. Each week someone will make a claim on an Insured Deposit and agents Clover and Dash will check the claim against established FDIC protocol to see if the claim is legitimate.

Roscoe said...

Yeah.. Mikey's right..

they happen roughly yearly.. and usually gets wrapped up within a month.

But something else happens, so they rarely make the top fold of the front page of the Times Union.

_J_ said...


I've completely missed this during my time here on earth.

Kylebrown said...

Yeah in Warsaw, I would have expected to hear more about armed robberies when I was there if they really were taking place. Seems to be pretty big news for the town, at least to me.