Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Undercover Beef Video.

If you haven't seen the undercover beef video I suggest watching it. It shows cows being mistreated at a slaughterhouse (think about that) as they are subject to shocks, kicks, pokes, and forklifts.

While the video may disrupt our pwecious little world view in which everything is happy and adorable and no harm befalls the animals we consume I think that a bit of a reality check is needed in the form of the following picture.

There are two possible views one can have towards cattle:

Pick one.

If you pick picture one you are allowed to be upset by the video and may voice your concern that the widdle moo-cows are being poked and kicked and pushed around before they are slaughtered.

If you pick picture two then do as I did and continue to eat your beef and brocolli while you watch the video of the future Medium-Rare Prime Ribs being herded towards the bone saws.

If you pick picture one and picture two then, well, you just can't follow directions now can you?


_J_ said...

He has a widdle fwower because he wuvs you so much!

_J_ said...

Also, "Undercover Beef" sounds like the title of a porn film.