Thursday, August 2, 2007


With regard to organization I think that consistency is objectively beneficial. Once one realizes the reasons for which one would organize a group of things one also realizes why consistency with regard to this organization is beneficial. If tools are organized alphabetically, except for one, then that one tool will not fit with the organizational structure and as a result is itself flawed or else shows a flaw in the reasons for which one would organize in the manner in which things are organized.

Given that with regard to organization consistency is beneficial I think that it follow that anything based upon this organization must also be consistent. So if on a website there were menus or pictures or file structures based upon this organization they, too, must be consistent.

Given all that, why the fucking hell am I constantly asked to change shit so that it doesn't fucking fit the design of the god damned mother fucking site? "OH MY FUCKS! WE IS GOTZ A NEW TEH TOOL! PUTZ IT EVERYWHARE!"

Once a structure has been established we STICK WITH THAT FUCKING STRUCTURE! We don't change shit. And if SHIT NEEDS TO BE CHANGED then we change the structure. We don't just fucking LOB SHIT wherever we DAMN WELL PLEASE based upon the direction in which the wind blows.

Jesus H. Christ in a Chicken Basket I FUCKING HATE this shit. PICK A STRUCTURE AND GO WITH IT!


Andrew said...

Find a new job

Roscoe said...

subtle there, Andrew. Real slick and sly like.

_J_ said...

Andrew's craft is not subtlety.

Andrew said...

what would you say is my craft.

and i really dont like being subtle. whats the point of it. just get the the point and move on.

Caleb said...

with a wink and a nod and a cherry-o..

_J_ said...

I am a scornomancer.

You are a truthomancer. You mance truth.

Andrew said...


MA17 said...

I once heard that putting shit whever anyone pleases IS part of the structure.

Caleb said...


Roscoe said...


_J_ said...

"I once heard that putting shit whever anyone pleases IS part of the structure."

I blame you for this.

MA17 said...

Blaming me, however, is NOT part of the structure. Look it up.

_J_ said...

Stupid Website FAQ....

Q: Can Adam be blamed?
A: No!

I curse this FAQ.

Roscoe said...

Well Done, Sirrah. Clearly, you are one to be distrusted when I come to power.