Sunday, February 24, 2008

On Cake Being a Lie

Still Alive (from portal) is being added to Rock Band sometime soon.
Here is a video of Jonathan Coulton, Leo Leport, Merlin Mann and Veronica Belmont playing some rock band.

Jonathan Coulton performs "Still Alive" in Rock Band from Joy Stiq on Vimeo.


_J_ said...

There were many links in that post.

Is it going to be the Coulton version or the Portal version? Because it is quite odd that the game Rock Band would feature the theme song from the game Portal.

That's some odd crossover.

But maybe this is the precident we need to get the Deckard Cain rap on Rock Band.

Mike Lewis said...

from the video it sounds like the woman from the portal credit version is singing back up.

On the most resent twit Leo Leport interviews Coulton, asking him about the song and rock band.

The Harminex People are fans of Coultons and came to him to ask if they could do it.

_J_ said...

Do Valve or Coulton have the rights to the Portal Theme?

Mike Lewis said...

I got the impression from the interview that Coulton has the rights to the song.

_J_ said...


I wonder if he still has the rights to Code Monkey, then. Since Code Monkey is the theme song to that ASS series on G4 called Code Monkeys.