Zero Punctuation: No Longer Good?
So last week Zero Punctuation was featured at the Game Developer's Conference. It was also announced that Zero Punctuation would be featured on G4's X-Play.
This week the jackoffs in the Kotaku comment thread are ripping the new Zero Punctuation review apart, claiming that they were offended, and generally hating on Yahtzee.
While I have not seen this review for myself (I can't watch it at work) I'm pretty sure it is like every other Zero Punctuation review.
So how many of you think that the fresh hatred of Zero Punctuation comes from Yahtzee's "selling out" moreso than any actual failure on his part to do what he's always done?
"Funny how the PS3 fanboys find his reviews "idiotic" or whatever juuuuust as he reviews his first PS3 exclusive." - Guizzy
Or it might be that.
I think it was just like any other zero punctuation, and liked it accordingly.
Frankly, Yahtzee sold out after doing like two "fully ramblomatic" reviews to do "zero punctuation" for the Escapist. G4 might ruin him, though. Who knows? G4 is like that.
I edited out most of my post and then realized that I didn't clarify "sold out".
He's getting paid to do it now, and it hasn't made his reviews suck. That's "sold out" to some people, but if you only like shit that people don't get paid to do then you're pretty much going to spend the rest of your life looking at lolcats and reading fanfiction. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
He was paid by The Escapist, but not as much as, presumably, he's making from G4.
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