Tuesday, September 11, 2007

It really topples my towers.

On Patriot Day, 9/11, we're supposed to remember the 2,974 fatalities of the 9/11 attacks. We're supposed to take part in the media frenzy of rebroadcasts, interviews, and slide shows. We're supposed to read articles full of flowery rhetoric which tell us about the "greatest terrorist attack on U.S. Soil". And then, depending on the political slant of the author, we read either the token jab at the Iraq War, or the token pronouncement of how the Iraq War will one day rectify the situation.

But what strikes me on this day, what "topples my towers", if you will, is how we've really blown this entire thing up to be something far greater than it actually is.

Six years ago a group of crazy religous fanatics flew two planes into the World Trade Center. All told, 2,974 people died. And I think that instead of rebroadcasting the Today show from that morning, instead of hanging wreaths at Ground Zero, instead of dwelling on it, and instead of blowing up brown people I think we need to shut the fuck up and move the fuck on.

Even the non-assholes are being idiots about it. Olbermann's "this hole in the ground" Special Comment really fails to miss one important aspect of this whole idiotic obsession of our country: we need to move on.

It's been six years. People have told me to get over things that happened weeks, months ago. When I continued to obsess about a loss two years after the fact people told me I was being stupid. Yet now, here we stand, a country watching rebroadcasts of the Today show from 9/11/2001 six years after the fact.

Shut up, already.

This nation has suffered plenty of misfortunes in its history. On December 7, 1941 Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. People died. And I really don't give two tugs of a dead dog's cock at this point. Shit happens. I think it's time to toss 9/11 onto that pile of historical indifference as well. Instead of being head-up-our-ass stupid and obsessed with the deaths of 2,974 people we didn't know maybe we ought to stop being stupid white people scared shitless at the realization of their own mortality and just go back to our normal lives instead of clinging to this tragety for the sake of politics, idiotic wars, and ratings.

Take the flag pins off your lapels. Stop being assholes to brown people with beards. Get those flags back to full mast. Bring our troops home. And for Fuck's sake somebody rip out Rudy Giuliani's god-damned larynx.


Kylebrown said...

You know, until I went to cnn.com during lunch today, I didn't realize that today was 9/11. I knew it was September 11th, but when I woke up this morning, I didn't even think of thinking that 6 years ago today, people died.

I agree, that the news makes it worse than it is. I have moved on, I moved on 2 days after the fact, but the media and politicians just will not let shit go.

_J_ said...

It makes me happy that people can wake up and not know that it is 9/11.

I'm pretty sure, though, that until something else big happens like that this will be the "big story" that will capture the public's attention. In other words, we'll be a post-9/11 world until something else happens, then we'll be a post that world.

Maybe the Federal Government will buy everyone a kitten. Then we can stop being a post-9/11 world and we can be a post-free/kitten world.