Sunday, September 9, 2007

Pardon Me

In the past three and a half months that EoIAS has been around, we have gone a good job avoiding blogging about dumb celebrity shit. This evening i break with that. Sorry.

Tonight was the MTV Music Video Awards. I will not dip into the "MTV plays music video" joke bag because i don't fucking care that much.

However i came across this story by the AP. begins:

LAS VEGAS — Somewhere, Kevin Federline is laughing. An out-of-shape, out-of-touch Britney Spears delivered what was destined to be the most talked about performance of the MTV Video Music Awards _ but for all the wrong reasons.

Kicking off the show Sunday night with her new single, "Gimme More," Spears looked bleary and unprepared, much like her recent tabloid exploits on the streets of Los Angeles. She walked through her dance moves with little enthusiasm. She appeared to have forgotten the art of lip-synching. And, perhaps most unforgivable given her once-taut frame, she looked embarrassingly out of shape.

Now, lets look at this picture, it was included with the story. I don't know a lot about anything, but if Britney Spears is out of shape, that means i must be the fattest man in the world. Hell - She makes Jay look like a fat ass. She is a mother of two, been in and out of rehab. She looks pretty fucking good.

This week i used the example of Britney Spears in class to teach my students about how the media (or any Ideological State Apparatus - to use Althusser's terminology) creates faults binaries as a way of constructing ideology. Obviously Britney Spears is a disgusting pig because is no longer the sweet 17 year old girl in 1998. She made "awful" life choices. She married a loser, drinks, made some babies. Now she must pay for her 'crimes.' She has become a negative exemplar, an object which can be used to teach people how not to act.

Despite the fact that she still weighs 110lbs and is in better shape than most americans she is coded as out-of-shape. Not because she is, but as a way of reinforcing an ideology message: that to be like Britney Spears is to be a slut, an unfit mother, and less than human.

This news story could of began any number of ways. It could of began by talking about the winners. It could of began with MTV's struggles to find an audience. It could of began by talking about the uneven state of the pop-music industry. Instead someone made the decision to open with 150 words about how much Britney Spears sucks.

here are two other pictures for a little bit of comparison
this is from 2004

This one is from 1999


_J_ said...

I try to keep a descent figure so that you people can still find me interesting and THIS is the thanks I get?!

I agree. We need to form the Britney Spears Defense League, or NAMBLA. She is certainly not out of shape. Admitedly, though, I have not seen the performance, so maybe after arriving on stage she ate a bucket full of hog fat and that is the point to which they are alluding.

Mike Lewis said...

i think if she ate a bucket of hot fa there would be pictures of it. mostly because there are enough "girls eating hot fat" fetishists out there that the demand would be really high

_J_ said...

That picture from 1999 is the best you could find from that year?

Mike Lewis said...

i GISed "britney spears mtv awards" i was going for clear of how not fat she was than v. how fat she is not now.

_J_ said...

She's not fat. She just sort of filled out a bit. Which isn't terrible.

"who wants to ride on an ironing board?"

Mike Lewis said...

my friend used the word "hippy"
also - she's not 17 anymore.

strangly enough what one looks like at 17 is not always what one looks like at 25. strangely enough

_J_ said...

I refuse to believe that.

_J_ said...

I heard the lip sync of this performance was terrible. But I can't find a video anywhere.

Anyone have a link?

_J_ said...

Wow. She really half-assed that.

_J_ said...

Was it unfair of the media to call Britney Spears "fat"?